Digitalisation is changing our everyday work lives and occupations, and this digital transformation is expanding into all spheres of life, including the world of work. Although these developments are creating new risks and challenges, they are also bringing new opportunities for the world of work and - of course - for vocational education and training (VET).
Through ESVET PRO, the development of new technologies that aim to improve the planning and implementation of the teaching, learning and assessment of teachers and students is foreseen. Herein, an online assessment tool namely the Cloud Based Testing System (CBTS) has been adapted and implemented in all VET schools at national level. The tool plays a key role in the process of monitoring the student learning, improving the academic programs, and enhancing teaching and learning processes.

The CBTS will assist the school staff in the process of teaching both theoretical and (simulated) practical training, it will facilitate the introduction of e-learning and simplify the assessment process during the school year, promoting efficiency, equity, and transparency. Until now, the project KSO/801 has managed to customise the already existing CBTS to fit the needs of the VET system in Kosovo and has provided a lifetime license for the use of the system to all national VET schools. Through the activities supported by the project, questions banks were developed along with the training materials, online tutorials and self-explanatory videos for teachers and students, involving not only international and local experts but also the direct beneficiaries of this intervention, leading to a further capacity development for the VET institutions involved. In this regard, 203 teachers were involved in an accredited training at national level and were certified in the usage of the CBTS.
Considering the high interest from the VET schools in the system, as well as the positive feedback and outcome of this intervention, the project organised an event on the topic of "Digitalisation of the VET system: the role of digital tools in the learning and assessment process". The event had two main objectives: the first one was to present the importance of digitalisation of the VET system in Kosovo and the role of using digital tools in the learning and assessment process, and the second one was to present the question banks developed by the teachers and identify opportunities for cooperation between VET stakeholders for further development of digital tools in the VET sector.

ESVET PRO believes that the continuous professional development of teachers and the establishment of high-quality educational offer for students is imperative for Kosovo’s VET system. The way to achieve this is by using technology to improve the teaching and learning experience. This, nonetheless, is crucial to shifting society’s perception on the VET system and making it a primary choice for Kosovo’s youth.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
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