KOSOVO - Human Capacity Development Facility (HCDF) activities during the months of global uncertainty
Regardless the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, with the new measures in place, some activities continued and some started being implemented on the different Acquis Chapters and horizontal measures that HCDF covers. Those chapters are the Freedom of Establishment, Food and Veterinary and the horizontal measure on Public Administration Reform.
On Freedom of Establishment chapter, a technical assistance was provided to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) in the field of Regulated Professions. This expertise serves as the grounds of MEST’s work on finalizing the sub-legal acts foreseen in the law and in taking all actions and measures to begin full implementation of the Law on Regulated Professions.
On Food and Veterinary chapter, trainings were provided to the Food and Veterinary Agency including veterinary inspectors, border veterinary inspectors and contracted veterinarians on five different regions of Kosovo. These 5 trainings were held focusing on the importance of enforcing the regulation on animal identification and registration at the levels of premise/farm, livestock markets, slaughterhouses and livestock transport. The trainings started their implementation in March but due to the pandemic they had to stop and start again in June.
Whereas, for the Public Administration Reform, two expertise and a training were provided to the Ministry of Finance to enhance the capacities of Public Finance Management Coordination Group to draft the Public Finance Management Reform Strategy. These interventions will assure the timely and a qualitative reporting system on Public Finance Management implementation.