MYANMAR - No one will be left behind
Luxembourg development cooperation promotes cultural diversity to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development through the Eastern Shan State Rural Development and Inclusion Project-MYA/002, in a region where the majority of the population is facing many cultural, political, economic, and environmental challenges. The project adopts a direct financing modality, empowering local management structures such as village development committees via training and the application of appropriate technology, technical expertise and facilitation among targeted communities.
One of the main hypotheses of the project's strategy suggests that the phased cooperation and necessary interdependence for new activities will gradually improve attitudes and practices in social organisation, which is to be based on mutual respect, resource sharing, community development and informed governance.
See the project in action here:
Benefits and impact to date:
- More than 7,200 people currently have access to clean water in their homes;
- 256 households have a sustainable supply of electricity for household lightening and small electric appliances through a pico-hydropower system;
- 44 community tea farms and 171 individual coffee farms were established with a survival rate of 95% of seedling production;
- Implementation of 5 model pig farms with selected farmers, resulting in spontaneous replication of household pig farming in 5 of the poorest villages;
- 3,935 people trained in operation and maintenance of village water and electricity systems, safe drinking water production, solid waste management, basic animal healthcare, livestock breeding, agricultural production, village development, and vocational training (sewing course).