Two Bac Kan Vocational College representatives attended a course in Turin, Italy
With the support of VIE/034 project, on 16th to 21st April 2018, two representatives of Bac Kan Vocational College (BKVC) attended a course organized by the International Training Center of the International Labour Organization (ITC ILO) in Turin, Italy. The “Skills needs anticipation and matching” course is designed to provide basic knowledge to identify current and future skills needs and labour market imbalances within a broad policy framework.
Specialists and managers from various countries and international organizations participated in this course. Mr. Long Tien Trinh and Mr. Hung Duy Pham, two Vietnamese representatives from BKVC, said this was an invaluable experience since it enabled them to engage in a multicultural environment and learn from international participants.
Organising the working groups
Lecturers were experts from ILO, European Training Foundation (ETF) and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). There were four ninety-minute sessions every day. ITC ILO used the “Turin Learning Approach” for the course which facilitated discussions, explorations and knowledge exchange with experts and fellow participants.
Listening to other groups' presentations
During these activities, all participants were free to talk and find out more about the prevailing cultures, policies and labour markets in other countries. Furthermore, according to Mr. Hung, the course also presented the opportunity to widen their networks and connections which could potentially last well beyond the course and lead to new partnerships and collaborations.
Mr Hung’s presentation on anticipating the skills needed in Bac Kan
The representatives from BKVC, Vietnam participated in the course with great enthusiasm and commitment to change. Their presentation at the endof the course was well received and very much appreciated. The training materials (see the above photo) provided by the course are now available at the BKVC library for sharing and consultation by BKVC management, faculty, and staff.
Final presentations from various groups
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