Kosovo - Start of the academic year 2015/16
With the beginning of September 2015, the new academic year got started. For the first time in CoC Ferizaj, students are enrolled across all three grades of initial VET programmes, and as it happens, 494 youngsters follow their educational paths in eight different Health Care profiles. 120 of them are making their first steps in five of the offered programmes. In CoC Prizren, 299 students, including the new second generation adding up to 195 registrations, are preparing themselves for Economy, Trade, and Travel and Tourism. These three sectors cover in total seven different profiles.
According to the objective of making young people ready for the labour market, hands-on training in the CoCs and in labour providing institutions will hallmark the students' learning process. For practical training, both CoCs are well-equipped. For professional practice, the Centres rely on partnership agreements. While CoC Ferizaj concluded to date a multitude of collaborations with private and public institutions, CoC Prizren successfully formalised its nine agreements this year. Finally, it should be noted that both CoCs will benefit from some degree of continuity, since the contracts of teaching staff members have been extended.