World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
Focus on the SEMOR project set up in Niger, co-financed by the Business Partnership Facility, to anticipate and prevent the risks associated with floods and droughts.
In the Niger River basin, the longest in West Africa, the Luxembourg company RSS-Hydro, which is specialised in flood modelling and mapping water-related risks, has developed the SEMOR project in partnership with the AGRHYMET Regional Centre.
This project will enable better monitoring of the river, thanks to a combination of water level sensors and satellite data. This river monitoring network is helping to improve regional forecasts of hydrological extremes and resource management. Vulnerable communities can thus better preserve their annual harvests and thereby increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change.
Funded by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Business Partnership Facility provides financial support for sustainable and innovative business projects led by Luxembourg or European companies, in collaboration with partners in the countries where the projects are implemented.