LAOS - Ministry of Planning and Investment officials increase understanding of official development assistance, project management and official development assistance management information system
On 14th January 2022, the Ministry of Planning and Investment departments, line ministries, and provinces organised an annual review meeting via hybrid mode in Vangvieng district. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Sthabandith Insisienmay, Vice Minister of Ministry of Planning and Investment, and attended by 103 senior officials (45 female). The meeting aimed to review and conclude the overall effectiveness of official development assistance management focused on reporting, monitoring, and coordination improvement.
According to the department of international cooperation, in 2021, the overall implementation of actual official development assistance disbursement was 79% of its annual plan. Several high-level consultations and meetings were held, such as the 13th round table meeting, and the 5th Lao-Luxembourg Indicative Program partnership committee. Official development assistance decree outlines the principles, regulations, and mechanisms pertaining to the management and utilisation of official development assistance by development partners to the Government of the Lao PDR. The Department of International Cooperation works closely with development partners to ensure official development assistance funds are managed and utilised in a harmonized, efficient and transparent manner, contributing to the effective implementation of priority targets under the National Socio-Economic Development Plan, in line with the National Green Growth Strategy and the global development agenda.
In 2021, the government agencies focussed on an implementation and mobilise all the official development assistance funding via the meeting with different levels of development partners especially from the 13th round table meeting which was held on 17th November 2021. This meeting is significant to discuss with development partners about official development assistance policies dissemination and reporting about the progress of development and official development assistance mobilisation into the 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan, focusing on achieving sustainable development and eliminating the status of a developing country. Moreover, the meeting focused on the urge for economic recovery from the COVID19 pandemic.
The official development assistance dissemination meeting was very informative as many attendees intended to ask and answer questions related to official development assistance management project, especially official development assistance reporting, approval and monitoring.
PhD. Sthabandith Insisienmay, speaking at the meeting, highlighted the importance of official development assistance management and implementation and called on those present to discuss ways to reach the target for official development assistance implementation in 2021.
The meeting is part of an ongoing effort to strengthen the effectiveness of official development assistance management in Laos through the Project LAO/033, which intends to build and increase the capacity of the Ministry of Investment and Planning’s Department of International Cooperation and six provincial sections for international cooperation in the provinces.
LAO/033 project is co-financed by the Government of Laos and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
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