KOSOVO - 60 healthcare professionals trained
As part of the continuous support to the General Hospitals of Prizren and Gjilan, the project organized trainings for the staff of the respective hospitals on the following topics:
- Importance of intensive care
- Mechanical ventilation
- Emergency management at hospital level
In addition to the general information given throughout the presentations, special emphasis was put on patients with COVID-19, their treatment and lessons learnt during these difficult times. The audience was composed of interdisciplinary teams such as anesthesiologists, pulmonologists, infectious disease specialists and nurses from each department and in total 60 healthcare professionals were trained. The training proved to be very beneficial for both trainers and trainees, considering that the exchange of experiences from tertiary level to secondary level hospitals may help improve the performance of the latter ones.
Training on intensive care, mechanical ventilation and emergency management with special emphasis on COVID-19 situation
The KSV/017 project is co-funded by the Government of Kosovo and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by the Kosovo Ministry of Health and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
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