KOSOVO - Implementation of a new cost estimation and financial management system for VET schools
One of the main challenges in the education sector in Kosovo is building a sustainable system for the promotion of adult education and lifelong learning, as well as the provision of funding. The project, Support to Vocational Education and Training (VET) Reform in KosovoProject, KSV/020, as a continuation of the project, Support to Vocational Education and Training Reform in Kosovo: Establishment of Centres of Competence in Ferizaj and Prizren, KSV/015, continued to support the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE) and the Municipal Education Departments (MED) to improve the process of financial planning for VET schools, especially for establishing a financing formula by profile. As of the end of 2019, a professionsal accounting software was set up to help improve VET schools financial planning and follow-up of budget procedures. The software was implemented in 10 VET schools including two CoCs in Prizren and Ferizaj. Unfortunately, VET Schools have no autonomy in managing their finances, which is done through the ministry’s management system of public finances. This created challenges for schools in terms of handling their expenditures and keeping track of financial reports. The solution consisted in the introduction of the aforementioned accounting software. Project KSV/020 provided technical assistance to the CoCs and VET schools’ management to facilitate its use.
Certification of the VET school representatives on the use of the new cost estimation and financial management software
The software, even though quite complex, was modified to the needs of each school and in accordance to the profiles they offer. Furthermore, data spanning from the period of 2018 until 2020 was imported into the system including the planned budget, its execution and, in most schools, the inventory of all the current equipment/assets per profile, along with staff and student data. This allowed for a more transparent and accurate overview of the current financial resources in order to ensure realistic planning and increased budget performance. The system also allowed schools to build analytical reports that lead to better school management, as well as provide an overview of the situation for different stakeholders such as the Ministry of Education and Science (MES), the MED and AVETAE.
After its implementation, a survey was conducted to assess the overall satisfaction of schools with the new financing system. The feedback was very positive with the schools’ trained staff, highlighting the ease of using the software and the fact that it allows for real time financial information.
The new system could lead to harmonisation at a national level of this aspect of the VET financing system in Kosovo. Consequently, with the help of the beneficiaries, the solution ought to be implemented in all VET schools in Kosovo, and not only in the ones supported by the Project. The system would aid all schools in building capacities with regard to budget planning, financial analysis, mitigation of the identified risks, challenges, gaps and the administration of their financial system.
Certification of the VET school representatives on the use of the new cost estimation and financial management software