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Programme de développement local


Bureau régional de LuxDev
Bureau Asie

Développement socio-économique
2023 - 2027

Période d'exécution
Janvier 2023 - Décembre 2027
Durée totale
60 mois

Budget total
33 930 000 EUR
Répartition des contributions
  • Gouvernement luxembourgeois
    27 000 000 EUR
  • SDC
    6 930 000 EUR

Fiches projets

Le résultat attendu du programme de développement local LAO/338 est l'amélioration du bien-être de la population laotienne, sans laisser personne de côté. Ce résultat reflète les priorités du 9e plan national de développement socio-économique 2021-2025 du gouvernement lao, ainsi que les objectifs du Programme indicatif de coopération V (PIC V) d'aide et de développement du Luxembourg et du programme de coopération pour la région du Mékong (2022-2025) de la Direction suisse du développement et de la coopération (DDC), qui financent conjointement le programme.

Le programme de développement local s'appuiera sur les relations de travail étroites qui ont été établies dans le cadre du précédent programme LAO/030 avec le ministère de la Planification et de l'Investissement, en particulier le département de la planification et ses agences d'exécution dans les quatre provinces cibles. Il continuera à encourager la planification participative et à canaliser les ressources du programme vers la réalisation des priorités au niveau des districts et des villages. L'accent mis sur le développement des capacités au niveau national, mais surtout au niveau infranational, aidera les autorités centrales, provinciales, de district et de village à améliorer les services publics au profit des communautés locales. En améliorant les capacités à tous les niveaux et en s'engageant dans un dialogue politique, le programme LAO/338 entend atténuer certaines des menaces qui pèsent sur les communautés rurales du Laos, notamment l'insécurité foncière, la déforestation et les faibles résultats en matière d'éducation. 

Le budget total est de 33 930 000 EUR pour une période de cinq ans de 2023 à 2027. Tout en renforçant les capacités des agences centrales concernées, le programme LAO/338 se concentrera sur les villages et districts les plus pauvres des provinces de Bokeo, Vientiane, Bolikhamxay et Khammouane, et étendra ses opérations pour couvrir environ 20 districts et 315 villages.

Pour atteindre le résultat mentionné ci-dessus, le programme LAO/338 a utilisé la méthodologie de la théorie du changement pour identifier trois changements intermédiaires avec des domaines d'intervention prioritaires comme suit :

  • des opportunités socio-économiques pour des moyens de subsistance durables sont créées pour la population laotienne, ne laissant personne de côté. Des opportunités agricoles productives (qu'elles soient commerciales ou de subsistance) sont créés pour les hommes et les femmes. Ce changement intermédiaire englobe également des interventions dans les domaines de la nutrition et de la santé, de la sécurité foncière et de l'adaptation au changement climatique, de la finance inclusive, de la coopération avec le secteur privé pour améliorer l'accès au marché et du soutien au développement des capacités pour améliorer les compétences agricoles et commerciales. Des partenariats sont maintenus avec deux organisations non gouvernementales basées au Luxembourg, à savoir ADA (spécialisée dans la finance inclusive) et Caritas (spécialisée dans le développement communautaire), ainsi qu'avec des associations locales à but non lucratif ;
  • la population laotienne a accès à des services publics améliorés et plus résistants, notamment aux infrastructures fournies par les autorités de district. Un guichet de financement annuel de district sera introduit, grâce auquel les districts cibles (avec le soutien de la province et sous supervision) reçoivent une enveloppe budgétaire sécurisée basée sur un certain nombre de critères, notamment la taille de la population, pour mettre en œuvre des actions prioritaires dans les domaines clés de l'éducation, de l'eau, de l'assainissement et de l'hygiène, ainsi que des routes de desserte, conformément aux plans de développement du district ;
  • la population laotienne a accès à des services améliorés et plus résilients au niveau des villages. Le processus participatif de planification du développement des villages établi dans le cadre du projet LAO/030 continue à être soutenu afin d'identifier et de hiérarchiser les besoins des villages. Ces plans villageois seront soutenu par un fonds de développement villageois afin de répondre aux priorités communautaires en matière de réhabilitation / entretien des infrastructures, de crédit et de développement des capacités, entre autres.

Les actions visant à maximiser l'efficacité et l'efficience du programme LAO/338 sont les suivantes :  

  • assurer l'alignement sur les stratégies nationales actuelles et à venir ;
  • utiliser les lignes directrices et les systèmes gouvernementaux existants pour la passation des marchés et le suivi ;
  • promouvoir l'appropriation locale par le biais du processus de hiérarchisation des activités au niveau des districts et des villages ;
  • collaborer avec d'autres donateurs pour éviter les doubles emplois ;
  • adopter une approche flexible de la budgétisation pour récompenser les villages et les districts performants ; et
  • mettre en place des systèmes de suivi et d'évaluation solides qui permettent le retour d'information et l'apprentissage.

Dernières nouvelles

  • LAOS - Successful conclusion of the four Provincial Coordination Committee Meetings for the 5th Indicative Cooperation Programme

    Publié le 23 Décembre 2024    Par Nicolas TASCH   EN

    We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the four Provincial Coordination Committee (PCC) Meetings for the 5th Lao-Luxembourg Indicative Cooperation Programme 2023-2027 (ICP V) for this year. The PCC meetings have taken place across several provinces, starting with Bokeo in May. Subsequent meetings were held in Vientiane Province in October and Bolikhamxay province in November. This final meeting, held in Khammouane province this December, marks the culmination of a productive year of activities across our partner provinces in Lao PDR.

    About the PCC Meetings

    The provincial coordination committee meetings proved particularly valuable for provincial authorities. Participants had the opportunity to gain in-depth insights into the four multisectoral programmes at provincial level (progress, working plans, budgets) and actively engage in valuable exchanges with officials from other provinces, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

    Strengthening coordination and alignment

    These PCC Meetings play a crucial role in:

    • strengthening coordination across the four ICP V programmes;
    • and ensuring alignment with district and provincial five-year socio-economic development plans.

    Participants from local authorities gained a clearer understanding of the interconnectedness of the four ICP V programmes:

    • health and nutrition;
    • skills for tourism, agriculture and forestry;
    • rule of law, access to justice and good governance;
    • local development.

    This improved understanding highlights how these programmes collectively address the socio-economic needs of Lao PDR, especially in our four partner provinces.

    Valuable feedback and enhanced collaboration

    The meetings also provide a vital platform for LuxDev to:

    • receive valuable feedback on programme implementation;
    • strengthen collaboration;
    • and promote cross-sector implementation;

    This feedback mechanism is essential for ensuring the effectiveness and responsiveness of the programmes to local needs.

    Key objectives and outcomes

    The 4th PCC Meetings achieved several key objectives, including:

    • providing a comprehensive overview of the ICP V programmes and their impact;
    • facilitating knowledge sharing and collaboration among provincial authorities;
    • gathering crucial feedback for LuxDev to improve programme implementation;
    • developing practical recommendations to be presented to the annual Project Steering Committees.

    This successful conclusion of the 4th meeting wraps up a year of significant progress and reinforces the commitment of all stakeholders to the continued success of the ICP V programmes in Lao PDR. We look forward to continuing this important work in the coming year.

  • LAOS - Village Development Planning: a success story led by the Local Development Programme

    Publié le 25 Octobre 2024    Par Nicolas TASCH   EN

    The Village Development Planning (VDP) process, supported by the Local Development Programme, implemented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) and LuxDev has proven to be a catalyst for positive change across Laos. This initiative, designed to empower local communities and address their specific needs, has yielded significant results in the partner provinces of Bokeo, Bolikhamxay, Khammouane and Vientiane, benefitting a total of 172,000 people.

    A community-driven approach

    Over the last couple of months, the Local Development Programme has been focussing on village development planning, a process which puts community participation at the centre of decision-making. Villagers from all four partner provinces and 226 target villages actively engaged in the process, reflecting on their current socioeconomic situation and prioritising activities for implementation. This bottom-up approach ensures that the development initiatives are truly aligned with the needs and aspirations of the local people.

    Building on past successes

    The current VDP exercise is notably successful partly due to its ability to build on the experiences of previous development programmes implemented by MPI and LuxDev. In Bokeo Province for example, 41 villages involved in the previous phase of the Local Development Programme, continue to participate in the new one, leveraging their previous experiences to accelerate the VDP process. Similar synergies are observed in Vientiane, Khammouane and Bolikhamxay.

    Prioritising local needs

    This activity was carried out jointly by the staff of our partners from the provincial Departments of Planning and Investment and the District Planning Offices. The field team held community workshops in each target village, in which people proposed activities to be implemented with the Village Development Fund that is provided by the programme. Following plenary and group discussions, the attendance was assembled and prioritised the most relevant activities by voting. 

    The VDP process identified a wide range of development priorities across the four provinces. In Bokeo alone, 53 villages identified over 918 activities, divided into several categories. Among the most pressing needs were access to clean water and improved water supply infrastructure, followed by education, health, and agricultural development, as well as microfinance schemes. These priorities were identified in all four provinces and therefore reflect the critical importance of these basic resources for the health and well-being of local communities.

    Rapid progress and community empowerment

    In Bokeo, VDP have already been endorsed in all 53 villages, while in Vientiane, Bolikhamxay, and Khammouane, the adoption of the VDP is also almost completed. This rapid advancement across all target districts of the Local Development Programme is a testament to the efficiency of the process and the strong commitment of both the local communities and the local counterparts (Departments of Planning and Investment, the District Planning Offices and LuxDev) implementing partners.

    Empowering villages with resources and training

    To facilitate the implementation of the activities identified by communities, the Departments of Planning and Investment will next transfer agreed budgets to village bank accounts and provide management training to Village Development Committee members. To support the technical implementation of identified priorities, training will also be organised to cover a variety of topics, including areas like health, animal husbandry, good agricultural practices, etc. This empowers villages to take ownership of their development initiatives and ensure effective utilisation of resources.

    A bright future for Laos

    The success of the VDP process in Bokeo, Bolikhamxay, Khammouane and Vientiane provinces bodes well for the future of Laos. By prioritising local needs, fostering community participation, and providing the necessary resources, the Local Development Programme is laying solid foundations for sustainable development. As the identified activities are implemented, we can expect to see significant improvements in the lives of the people throughout the four partner provinces.

    The VDP process in Laos is a shining example of how effective community-driven development can be. By empowering local communities and addressing their specific needs, this initiative is helping to create a brighter future for the country.

    The Local Development Programme is co-financed by the Lao PDR, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Switzerland, and implemented by the Lao Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.

  • LAOS - Beekeeping study tour in Xiengkhouang Province A continued journey to empower beekeepers from Bokeo

    Publié le 2 Avril 2024    Par Anaïs LOGIER   EN

    A recent study tour organised by the Skills for Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry (STAF) Programme, together with the Local Development Programme, to Xiengkhouang Province opened up opportunities for enhancing beekeeping practices in partner villages in Bokeo Province. Study tour participants, including beekeepers, trainers from two beekeeping training centres, representatives of Provincial and District Agriculture and Forestry Offices, and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Sports’ Department of Non-Formal Education, embarked on an enriching journey to promote knowledge exchange and skills development.

    From 2017 to 2019, there was a notable surge in honey production and sales in Bokeo Province. To bolster this thriving livelihood activity, the Local Development Programme in its previous phase, supported skills development and equipment for existing and new beekeepers in the province, thereby enhancing their beekeeping practices[1]. The STAF Programme is now working with the Local Development Programme to ensure that local beekeepers have access to the necessary resources and expertise to help overcome market fluctuations brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and forge a resilient path forward for local honey production.

    Traveling via Vientiane Capital, participants from Bokeo Province flew to Xiengkhouang Province. This was particularly exciting for some beekeepers who had never left their province or been on a plane before. Upon arrival in Phonsavan, the group had a brief opportunity to delve into the cultural heritage of the province by visiting the renowned UNESCO world heritage Plain of Jars a spectacular and mysterious site with some 460 jars of unknown origin, carved in stone, which probably served as funerary urns thousands of years ago.

    The following two days were dedicated to experience sharing and valuable learning opportunities on beekeeping practices. Participants visited beekeepers in Phosy Village, Phek District, where they learned about new techniques applied by local beekeepers, observed the use of different materials and equipment and engaged in insightful discussions about honey production and the challenges it faces, including climate change. Villagers from Phosy Village also showcased beekeeping-derived products such as candles, soaps and lipsticks, and organised a small tasting of local honey. All participants then enjoyed a delicious traditional lunch prepared by the villagers before heading to Phon Village, where further honey-making practices were explored, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved.

    The following morning, the group visited a beekeeping processing centre in Peak District, providing them with a great opportunity to gain deeper insights into honey processing and marketing practices.

    A highlight of the trip was the visit to Phonxay Village, where beekeepers demonstrated their use of horizontal log hives and highlighted their benefits. This interactive session facilitated, once again, constructive discussions and knowledge-sharing among participants from Bokeo and from Xiengkhouang.

    The study tour provided an ideal platform for listening sessions, interactive demonstrations, and in-depth discussions on various facets of beekeeping, including processing techniques, necessary equipment and effective marketing strategies. One of the key takeaways was the emphasis on both technical skills and the recognition of the social and economic development potential of beekeeping initiatives at the village, district, and provincial levels.

    Participant feedback underlines the study tour’s resounding success, with many eager to apply newly learned techniques and strategies in their own communities.

    Mr. Somdy Sayyatour, from Phienghut Village, Pha Odom District, Bokeo Province, lauded the study tour for its exposure to innovative practices and expressed eagerness to share his learnings with fellow farmers. “I’m so pleased I got the chance to be a part of this trip” he explained. “In my village, we’ve been practicing beekeeping for a short time and we use local traditional methods. Thanks to this tour, I’ve learnt new ones such as the use of wax to catch bees in the hives. I look forward to sharing the knowledge I gained with the other beekeepers in my village.” This trip was a great opportunity for Mr. Somdy to improve his beekeeping skills, while exploring another region of Lao PDR. He concluded, “it was nice to meet new people from other provinces and share local experiences. Overall, I had a lot of fun”.

    Ms. Phetsamone Manivong also shared her satisfaction regarding the study tour, which marked her first field trip in her new position as technical staff of the Livestock Section at the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office, Bokeo. She was very impressed with the local knowledge and skills demonstrated by the beekeepers in Xiengkhouang. “I can clearly see a difference between farmers in both provinces. Here, they are much more creative and advanced in terms of techniques. In Bokeo, we have much less means and resources”. Ms. Phetsamone commended the initiative for its tangible impact and pledged continued support for implementing new techniques in Bokeo Province.

    One week after the beekeeping study tour, the STAF and Local Development Programmes supported the Bokeo Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office to organise a workshop to review lessons learned and develop training plans for beekeepers for the upcoming year. These plans address both technical and marketing skills needs of Bokeo beekeepers. It is expected that these efforts will help revive honey production business in Bokeo Province post-COVID-19 pandemic.

    The Skills for Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry Programme is co-financed by the Lao PDR, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Switzerland and the European Union, and implemented by the Lao Ministry of Education and Sports and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.

    The Local Development Programme is co-financed by the Lao PDR, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Switzerland, and implemented by the Lao Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.

  • LAOS - Cooperating for the provision of Non-Formal Vocational Skills Development in Agriculture and Forestry

    Publié le 20 Décembre 2023    Par Anaïs LOGIER   EN

    On 13 and 14 December 2023, the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) Department of Non-Formal Education (DNFE), together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) Department of Agricultural Extension and Cooperatives (DAEC), supported by Skills for Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry (STAF) Programme (LAO/336), held a workshop to identify opportunities for inter-departmental cooperation for the provision of non-formal and informal agriculture and forestry vocational skills development (VSD). 

    The workshop was chaired by Mr Nouphanh Outsa, Director-General, MoES Department of Technical and Vocational Education, and co-chaired by Mr Sengaloun Boutsady, Deputy Director-General, MoES DNFE and Dr Phanxay Ingxay, Deputy Director-General, MAF DAEC. Workshop participants included representatives of provincial non-formal education centres, as well as provincial agriculture and forestry offices.

    The workshop had two objectives: 

    • to introduce the agriculture and forestry components of the STAF Programme to public non-formal and informal VSD providers in Lao PDR;
    • and to establish a foundation for cooperation in non-formal and informal VSD delivery.

    Following presentations of the STAF Programme (and the Local Development Programme (LAO/338) with which the STAF Programme collaborates), a discussion panel comprising Mr Nouphanh Outsa, Mr Sengaloun Boutsady, Dr Phanxay Ingxay, and Mr Phetsamon Thanasack, Deputy Director-General, MAF Department of Organisation and Personnel, delved into the specific roles, responsibilities, and challenges encountered by different departments and ministries in delivering non-formal and informal VSD in agriculture and forestry. The afternoon session saw participants divided into three groups to discuss their 2024 activity plans for non-formal and informal agriculture and forestry VSD.

    On the second day, participants were grouped by provinces (Bokeo, Luang Prabang, Vientiane, Khammouane and Bolikhamxay) to discuss and encourage potential synergies among stakeholders within each province to execute activity plans.

    During the workshop, a noticeable convergence emerged in the 2024 workplans of the DNFE and DAEC (and their provincial representatives) further underlining the importance of coordination mechanisms and ongoing dialogue to prevent duplication of effort and optimisation of benefits for people in rural communities. With a shared commitment to coordination and dialogue, the MoES and the MAF are confident that joint efforts will be undertaken, maximising the impact of non-formal and informal VSD in the agriculture and forestry sectors in Lao PDR. 

    The LAO/336 - Skills for Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry Programme is co-financed by Laos, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Switzerland and the European Union, and implemented by the Lao Ministry of Education and Sports and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.

  • LAOS - Les gouvernements du Laos, du Luxembourg et de la Suisse lancent une nouvelle phase du programme de développement local

    Publié le 10 Octobre 2023    Par Nicolas TASCH   FR EN

    Représentant les gouvernements du Laos, du Luxembourg et de la Suisse, le ministère de la Planification et de l'Investissement, l'ambassade du Luxembourg au Laos et la Direction du développement et de la coopération suisse (SDC) ont convoqué une réunion de comité de pilotage pour clôturer officiellement le Programme de développement local pour Bokeo, Bolikhamxay, Khammouane et la province de Vientiane (LAO/030) et lancer une nouvelle phase.

    Le nouveau programme LAO/338 est cofinancé par les gouvernements du Laos, du Luxembourg et de la Suisse, avec une généreuse subvention de 33 MEUR, et mis en oeuvre par LuxDev et le ministère de la Planification et de l'Investissement. Il vise à favoriser un développement inclusif dans 226 villages cibles à travers 17 districts de 2023 à 2027.

    De gauche à droite : Thomas LAMMAR, chargé d'affaires, ambassade du Luxembourg ; Phonevanh OUTHAVONG, vice-ministre, ministère de la Planification et de l'Investissement ; Jean-Gabriel DUSS, directeur régional, SDC.

    La réunion du comité de pilotage du programme a été présidée par la vice-ministre de la Planification et de l'Investissement, Mme Phonevanh OUTHAVONG, et coprésidée par le chargé d'affaires de l'ambassade du Luxembourg au Laos, M. Thomas LAMMAR, et le directeur régional de SDC, M. Jean-Gabriel DUSS. Plus de 70 représentants du gouvernement central, des provinces et des districts, ainsi que des organisations partenaires du développement ont également participé à la réunion.

    La réunion du comité de pilotage du programme a examiné les résultats du programme prédécesseur du LAO/338, le LAO/030, qui a été mis en œuvre entre 2016 et 2022 avec un financement total de 32,4 MEUR et qui a bénéficié à environ 150 000 personnes. L'évaluation finale a conclu que, malgré les défis rencontrés au cours de la période de mise en œuvre, en particulier due à la propagation du COVID-19, le projet a été très fructueux. Parmi les principales réalisations, on peut citer la mise en oeuvre de 3 588 projets communautaires par le biais de fonds de développement villageois, la mise en place de 46 systèmes de crédit appartenant à la communauté qui ont permis de créer des emplois et d'augmenter les capacités de production, la construction et la rénovation de 396 écoles, de systèmes d'approvisionnement en eau et autres infrastructures locales, ainsi que le développeement de campagnes de formation et de sensibilisation dans 90 villages et le renforcement des capacités des fonctionnaires des gouvernements central et provinciaux.

    L'orientation du nouveau programme

    Le nouveau programme quinquennal, qui couvre la période 2023-2027, se concentre sur trois domaines d'intervention :

    • la création d'opportunités socio-économiques pour des moyens de subsistance durables ;
    • l'accès à des services publics améliorés et plus résilients ; et
    • l'accès à des services améliorés et plus résilients au niveau des villages.

    Son objectif est d'améliorer encore les moyens de subsistance des habitants des communautés rurales en renforçant leurs capacités à gérer les ressources naturelles, à améliorer la productivité agricole et à développer des activités génératrices de revenus. Le programme de développement local devrait bénéficier à plus de 172 000 personnes par le biais de fonds de développement villageois et à plus de 750 000 personnes par le biais d'investissements dans les infrastructures locales.