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Compétences pour des emplois durables au Kosovo


Bureau pays de LuxDev
Bureau Kosovo

Éducation, formation et emploi

Période d'exécution
Novembre 2023 - Octobre 2026
Durée totale
36 mois

Budget total
10 000 000 EUR
Répartition des contributions
  • Gouvernement luxembourgeois
    10 000 000 EUR

L'objectif global du projet Compétences pour des emplois durables au Kosovo est de contribuer à une croissance économique durable, en soutenant l'innovation, l'inclusion et le développement social dans un Kosovo plus vert. L'objectif spécifique vise à améliorer les perspectives d'emploi pour les jeunes et les femmes, en renforçant l'enseignement et la formation professionnels pour répondre aux exigences du marché.

Le projet se concentre sur quatre résultats principaux :

  • le renforcement de la coopération entre le secteur privé et les écoles d'enseignement et de formation professionnels (EFP), en incitant le secteur privé à s'impliquer ;
  • l'opérationnalisation de deux centres d'EFP - l'un sur les TIC et l'autre sur les énergies renouvelables/l'efficacité énergétique ;
  • le renforcement des compétences en matière de recherche dans le domaine des TIC ;
  • le soutien à l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie en développant/renforçant les compétences et les connaissances, en particulier celles des femmes, dans les domaines des énergies renouvelables/l'efficacité énergétique et des TIC.

Le premier volet du projet se concentre sur la promotion et le soutien du rôle du secteur privé dans l'amélioration de l'EFP. Il encourage la collaboration entre les écoles publiques et les entreprises privées, en particulier pour l'apprentissage sur le lieu de travail dans le cadre de la formation en alternance.

Le deuxième volet comporte deux objectifs principaux. D'une part, il soutient l'opérationnalisation du centre de compétences en TIC. D'autre part, il appuie la création d'un centre d'EFP, qui sera intégré à une école existante, dédié aux énergies renouvelables/l'efficacité énergétique.

Le troisième volet se concentre sur la promotion de la collaboration entre l'Université du Luxembourg/SnT et le Kosovo. Cette collaboration vise à améliorer la qualité de la formation doctorale et de la maîtrise dans le domaine de la recherche en TIC et à élever la qualité de la recherche publique en général.

Dernières nouvelles

  • LUXEMBOURG - Visit of a delegation from Kosovo

    Publié le 13 Mai 2024    Par Pascal FABING   EN

    A delegation led by Ms Fadile Dyla, General Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation in Kosovo and Ms Ryve Prekorogja, Head of the lifelong education division, came to Luxembourg in the framework of the project Skills for sustainable jobs in Kosovo. Ms Claire Stoffels (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade), M. Behlul Shaljani and M. Pascal Fabing (LuxDev) have been accompanying the delegation who had the opportunity to exchange with the Director General of LuxDev, M. Manuel Tonnar.

    The objective of the visit was to initiate a partnership between the Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg and the University of Pristina. Two professors at the University of Pristina, Pr Blerim Rexha and Pr Qëndrim Gashi have had in-depth discussion with Prof. Dr. Marcus Völp and Dr. Carlo Duprel during the SnT Partnership Day. The cooperation will start during the second semester and will target master and PhD students, with a specific focus on cybersecurity.

    The delegation was also welcomed at the House of Cybersecurity by M. Pascal Steichen and M. Dominique Kogue and informed about the importance of building bridges between skills development, research and the private sector. The visit paves the way for synergies with the project Sustainable and inclusive growth and more specifically its cybersecurity component.

    Finally, Kim Heuskin, Deputy Headmaster at Lycée des Arts et Métiers and Benoît Fortemps, Head of the TalentHub, could share interesting ways to immerse Level V students in real life situations by organising a PowerWeek around challenges proposed by socio-economic partners every year or by hosting start-ups on their campus. These examples together with some experiments on the use of artificial intelligence in education will inspire the development of the future ICT school in Pristina supported by Luxembourg.

    The Skills for sustainable jobs and Sustainable and inclusive growth projects are financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency. 

  • KOSOVO - Sustainable jobs workshop: empowering women

    Publié le 20 Février 2024    Par Veton KASAPOLLI   EN

    The Skills for sustainable jobs in Kosovo project organised a workshop on 13 February with representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs) working in gender inclusion and representation to forge partnerships that increase the participation of women as beneficiaries across all project activities.

    CSOs received a briefing on the project's objectives, with particular emphasis on Result 4 of the project, which focuses on integrating women into lifelong learning and the reskilling/upskilling to meet labour market demands. The project is committed to ensuring that least half of beneficiaries in all activities of this component are women, reflecting its dedication to gender inclusivity and addressing skill needs.

    Project Manager Ralph ROTHE explained the project's aims to bolster crucial Vocational Education and Training (VET) profiles by cultivating skills in Information and Communication Technology, Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency, Food Processing, Wood Processing, and Creative Industries.

    Representing the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation, Ryve PREKOROGJA highlighted the importance of Dual-VET (an educational approach that combines traditional classroom learning with practical, on-the-job training in a workplace setting) in employing youth and women, emphasising the need for job positions to align with evolving technologies. 

    The CSO representatives working with and for women presented their activities, programmes, and objectives. To fine-tune the approach, participants suggested holding information sessions with parents, conducting a study with primary schools and parents, identifying more reliable data on women's employment situations, and enhancing support for technical profiles in primary and secondary education, among other recommendations.

    Participants agreed to increase sharing information and ideas to pave the way for new partnerships for short-term and vocational trainings.

    The Skills for sustainable jobs project aims to contribute to sustainable economic growth by supporting innovation, inclusiveness, and social development in a greener Kosovo. The specific objective aims to enhance job prospects for young people and women by strengthening vocational education and training to meet market demands.

    The Skills for sustainable jobs project is financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.