LAOS - New teaching and learning methods benefitting children in rural areas
The Local Development Programme for Bokeo, Bolikhamxay, Khammouane and Vientiane Province, LAO/030, recently piloted an intervention to promote Child Centered Education (CCE) in the target provinces. The activities started in 20 schools in Bokeo province in October 2021 and have been rolled out to the other three target provinces. To date 85 primary schools have taken part.
CCE working spaces at primary school, Phonyeng village, Phueang district, Vientiane Province
CCE working spaces in Bolikhamxay: working with math sticks
A focus on materials, knowledge and skills
The approach of the intervention is to integrate Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs) and Child Centered Education into the daily teaching routine. As a result of this, teachers are empowered to create their own “easy to make” and long-lasting TLMs.
During a four-day hands-on training at a rural primary school, the teachers of 10 target villages learned about the principles of CCE, how to integrate CCE into their daily work, and how to set up a dedicated learning corner in their classrooms. CCE is an approach to engage the students in the learning process, through physical learning tools and which emphasises play-oriented learning, problem-solving and communication.
Exploring teaching and learning materials, Savannakhet Teacher Training College
CCE working spaces in Vientiane Province: training on crafting long-lasting teaching and learning materials
CCE working spaces in Bokeo: demonstration with primary students
The involvement of primary school children in the training proves how easy it is for young learners to adapt to the child centered methods. All knowledge was transmitted in a practical manner and the teachers applied what they learned in the classroom immediately after the training.
Creating a network
Agile networks facilitated via the use of online tools show the changes back in the village schools. The networks are moderated by the trainer teams who provide further assistance and follow-ups.
CCE workshop Bokeo: crafting skills
Handing over teaching and learning material and crafting tools to the primary schools
CCE training of trainers n°4 at Savannakhet Teacher Training College
CCE working space n°3 in Vientiane Province learning with wooden triangles
The intervention combines capacity strengthening and promotion at many levels:
- training of trainers on CCE at the Teacher Training College (TTC);
- the creation of CCE team working spaces at the TTC;
- the organisation of CCE workshops for primary school teachers, District Education Sports Bureau and Provincial Education and Sports Services;
- and the creation of CCE networks.
The LAO/030 programme is co-funded by the Government of Laos and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and is implemented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
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