MYANMAR - Union Minister of Hotel and Tourism, U Ohn Maung attending the meeting for MYA/001 detailed planning workshop with MOHT and LuxDev
On Saturday and Sunday 25 and 26 August 2018, U Ohn Maung, Union Minister of Hotel & Tourism (MOHT), devoted his weekend for working together with LuxDev and all senior management of his Ministry in Yangon.
By mid Saturday morning, approximately 80 students following Level 1 and Level 2 courses at the Tourism Hospitality Training Center (THTC) were awarded certificates in Tourism & Hospitality Operations.
Subsequently, the Union Minister paid a visit to the renovation works at the training centre embedded in the MOHT building in the Bosoon Pat street - presently operated by Project MYA/001 on behalf of the Luxembourg Development Cooperation via LuxDev in close concert with the MOHT’s Yangon Branch Office and IECD (European Institute for Cooperation and Development), French INGO starting up the first French Bakery in Myanmar in that same building. His Excellency visited the just-renovated classrooms, kitchens, bakery and training restaurant.
On Saturday afternoon and Sunday, the Minister chaired a joint MOHT-LuxDev planning workshop dealing with the second and remaining period of Project MYA/001 covering assistance around eight Focal Areas, stretching the project till mid 2020 for developing human resources and capital in Myanmar.
Since an Educational Foundation is being set up from within the project, the THTC may soon be renamed under a different acronym to be delivering Tourism & Hospitality courses – Hospitality Short Courses (Front Office Operation, Housekeeping, Food & Beverage Service, Food Hygiene & Preparation), Certificate I in Hospitality, Certificate II in Hospitality, Certificate I in Travel & Tourism and Certificate II in Travel & Tourism.
In short, as part of a more global development initiative under project MYA/001, the undertaking is already and will be offering exponentially all the relevant knowledge and skills related to Tourism & Hospitality Operations for young – and not so young - professionals as well as disadvantaged individuals who are interested in the Tourism & Hospitality industry and want to find the opportunities for their career growth in this booming sector in Myanmar.