First Project under Indirect Centralised Management with the European Commission
Following Lux-Development's "accreditation" by the European Commission (July 2009) as an organisation compliant with international standards of financial management, procurement, internal control and public access to information, we have the great pleasure to announce that the first cooperation project submitted by Lux-Development to the Commission was accepted. Specifically, it is a complementary intervention to the YUG/012 - Forestry Project in Montenegro. The total amount of funding - via the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) - amounts to EUR 1 million for the mentioned project.
As a reminder, indirect centralised management, initiated by the Commission in the framework of the implementation of the Code of Conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour implies that the delegatee body (Lux-Development in this case) assumes the roles and responsibilities that normally accrue to the Commission.