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État de droit, accès à la justice et bonne gouvernance


Bureau régional de LuxDev
Bureau Asie

2023 - 2027

Période d'exécution
Janvier 2023 - Décembre 2027
Durée totale
60 mois

Budget total
11 457 379 EUR
Répartition des contributions
  • Gouvernement luxembourgeois
    11 457 379 EUR

Fiches projets

Les cinq dernières années ont été marquées par un renforcement significatif du cadre législatif au Laos, avec l'adoption ou la révision d'un certain nombre de lois essentielles. Au niveau politique, avec la conclusion du plan directeur du secteur juridique en 2020, l'accent est passé de l'élaboration des lois à leur mise en œuvre, y compris l'obligation de rendre des comptes.

Plusieurs facteurs limitent l'efficacité de la mise en œuvre des lois. Les universités sont soumises à des pressions pour renforcer leur capacité à dispenser un enseignement et une recherche juridiques de haut niveau répondant à la réalité et aux besoins du secteur dans un contexte national et international plus large.

Dans le système judiciaire formel, les procureurs et le personnel des tribunaux ont besoin de capacités et d'un équipement accrus pour faire face à l'évolution rapide du cadre juridique, mais aussi à l'augmentation de la charge de travail. Les appels à une plus grande responsabilité juridique se traduisent par un renforcement du rôle de contrôle du bureau des procureurs provinciaux et de la chambre administrative récemment créée au sein de la Cour suprême du peuple. L'augmentation de la population carcérale a une incidence sur la capacité du personnel pénitentiaire à assurer les services de base et à respecter les normes internationales minimales en matière de traitement des détenus, ainsi que sur la capacité des procureurs à superviser le système. Les personnes peuvent être incapables de faire valoir leurs droits en vertu de la loi parce qu'elles manquent d'informations et de conseils juridiques. Le personnel des bureaux d'aide juridique mis en place par le ministère de la Justice peut manquer de ressources, ainsi que de connaissances et de compétences pratiques. Les comités de médiation villageois mis en place pour résoudre les litiges mineurs ont besoin de compétences en matière de médiation, mais aussi de connaissances juridiques pour agir uniquement dans le cadre de leur mandat, en synergie avec le système judiciaire formel. En dehors du système juridique, le contrôle exercé par l'Autorité d'inspection du gouvernement et l'Organisation d'audit de l'État, ainsi que par les Assemblées populaires provinciales, est essentiel à la bonne gouvernance. Il existe encore un besoin considérable de développement des capacités et d'apport de ressources afin de rendre ces mécanismes pleinement opérationnels. Les flux de données systématiques et la capacité de les analyser, ainsi que la capacité de suivi et d'évaluation, restent un défi.

La vision du changement du programme LAO/037 est de contribuer à un enseignement juridique de qualité dans les universités afin de fournir des services de justice efficaces à tous les niveaux et, à son tour, d'engager le public dans le renforcement du système judiciaire, de l'État de droit et de la gouvernance dans son ensemble. En termes pratiques, il s'agit de faciliter l'accès à la justice et de renforcer la responsabilité dans le système. L'objectif est de favoriser une réponse fondée sur les droits en reliant la théorie de haut niveau à la pratique et, à son tour, en réintégrant l'expérience de la pratique dans l'élaboration et la planification de la politique nationale.

Le programme LAO/037 se déroulera de 2023 à 2027 et sera doté d'un budget de 9 000 000 EUR. Il sera mis en œuvre à l'échelle nationale, avec un accent particulier sur les provinces de Vientiane, Bolikhamxay, Khammouane et Bokeo, ainsi que sur la province de Champasak.

Au niveau central, les bénéficiaires sont la Faculté de droit et de sciences politiques ainsi que l'Assemblée nationale, le ministère de la Justice, les praticiens du droit et les agences du secteur juridique telles que le Bureau du procureur suprême du peuple, la Cour suprême du peuple et l'administration pénitentiaire sous l'égide du ministère de la Sécurité publique.

Les bénéficiaires au niveau local comprennent la Faculté de droit et d'administration de Champasak, les agences du secteur de la justice, mais aussi l’Assemblée populaire provinciale et l'administration provinciale, certains districts et villages, les praticiens du droit et, en fin de compte, les individus et les communautés du Laos.

L'efficience et l'efficacité du Programme indicatif de coopération V (PIC V) seront basées sur une approche programmatique, assurant des synergies avec d'autres interventions dans le cadre du PIC V. La collaboration étroite entre LuxDev, la Institute for Legal Support and Technical Assistance et l'Université du Luxembourg à travers les différents domaines d'intervention assurera une complémentarité optimale et une utilisation efficace des ressources.

Dernières nouvelles

  • LAOS - Successful conclusion of the four Provincial Coordination Committee Meetings for the 5th Indicative Cooperation Programme

    Publié le 23 Décembre 2024    Par Nicolas TASCH   EN

    We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the four Provincial Coordination Committee (PCC) Meetings for the 5th Lao-Luxembourg Indicative Cooperation Programme 2023-2027 (ICP V) for this year. The PCC meetings have taken place across several provinces, starting with Bokeo in May. Subsequent meetings were held in Vientiane Province in October and Bolikhamxay province in November. This final meeting, held in Khammouane province this December, marks the culmination of a productive year of activities across our partner provinces in Lao PDR.

    About the PCC Meetings

    The provincial coordination committee meetings proved particularly valuable for provincial authorities. Participants had the opportunity to gain in-depth insights into the four multisectoral programmes at provincial level (progress, working plans, budgets) and actively engage in valuable exchanges with officials from other provinces, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

    Strengthening coordination and alignment

    These PCC Meetings play a crucial role in:

    • strengthening coordination across the four ICP V programmes;
    • and ensuring alignment with district and provincial five-year socio-economic development plans.

    Participants from local authorities gained a clearer understanding of the interconnectedness of the four ICP V programmes:

    • health and nutrition;
    • skills for tourism, agriculture and forestry;
    • rule of law, access to justice and good governance;
    • local development.

    This improved understanding highlights how these programmes collectively address the socio-economic needs of Lao PDR, especially in our four partner provinces.

    Valuable feedback and enhanced collaboration

    The meetings also provide a vital platform for LuxDev to:

    • receive valuable feedback on programme implementation;
    • strengthen collaboration;
    • and promote cross-sector implementation;

    This feedback mechanism is essential for ensuring the effectiveness and responsiveness of the programmes to local needs.

    Key objectives and outcomes

    The 4th PCC Meetings achieved several key objectives, including:

    • providing a comprehensive overview of the ICP V programmes and their impact;
    • facilitating knowledge sharing and collaboration among provincial authorities;
    • gathering crucial feedback for LuxDev to improve programme implementation;
    • developing practical recommendations to be presented to the annual Project Steering Committees.

    This successful conclusion of the 4th meeting wraps up a year of significant progress and reinforces the commitment of all stakeholders to the continued success of the ICP V programmes in Lao PDR. We look forward to continuing this important work in the coming year.

  • LAOS - LuxDev and, a 6-month review of integration with Rule of law, access to justice and good governance programme

    Publié le 7 Octobre 2024    Par Nicolas TASCH   EN

    Following months of collaborative efforts, the University of Luxembourg's ( Inter-University Cooperation project Laos-Luxembourg formally joined the "Rule of law, access to justice and good governance in Lao PDR" (ROLAG) programme in February 2024. This official partnership strengthens ongoing support for the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the National University of Laos. 

    The Inter-University Cooperation Project aims to cultivate a robust legal culture and promote best practices for Lao law students, the faculty, and researchers. The ultimate objective is to empower a critical mass of qualified law lecturers capable of solidifying the rule of law in Laos. This collaboration facilitates academic exchange opportunities between and National University of Laos, including faculty member visits, student exchanges, and staff collaborations. 

    Numerous activities mark the first six months 

    The initial six months have witnessed the establishment of new administrative and operational frameworks between the and LuxDev, following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two entities. Shortly after, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade also granted a 2 MEUR extension to the ROLAG programme to allow alignment the project to the duration of the ROLAG programme, until 2027. Recently, the project also saw a change in the Project Liaison Officer, allowing for a fresh perspective to align the project with evolving needs and priorities. "The Faculty of Law and Political Science team has been incredibly welcoming and the contact with them was extremely smooth, explained Gwendal, the new Project Liaison Officer. It’s been a pleasure working with them so far."

    During this first period of collaboration, a number of achievements have already been completed, including the following.

    The project actively supported Faculty of Law and Political Science students in the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Moot Court Competition. A month-long training program equipped students with the necessary skills, culminating in a national round to select the winning team. This team proudly represented the National University of Laos at the Hong Kong IHL Moot Court Competition held earlier in 2024. 

    For the 7th Law Summer School in May 2024, the Project Leader Prof. Dr. Stefan Braum and three PhD students from, facilitated a workshop on "the importance of sovereignty in the transformation of the Lao People’s Republic into a Constitutional State" for eleven lecturers from the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Vientiane.  

    In 2024, the project introduced a new initiative called "Lunch and Learn". This monthly event provides an inviting space for teachers and researchers to share their experiences, knowledge, and research over delicious Lao dishes. Each session features a different presenter, fostering a dynamic and engaging atmosphere. The response from the teaching community has been positive, with many eagerly volunteering to present their work. These sessions spark exciting discussions on the progress and future goals of Lao’s journey towards becoming a rule of law state. 

    Also, four professors from the University of Luxembourg have visited Laos to deliver lectures on critical legal topics pertinent to Lao PDR's transition towards a rule of law state, namely International Private Law, Principles of Tax Law, Principles of Contract Law, and Comparative Legal Traditions. 

    In June 2024, the Faculty of Law and Political Science in Vientiane hosted a workshop on Clinical Legal Education, facilitated by Professor Elise Poillot from the and Mr. Fabrice Hénard, an international expert. Nineteen teachers from various departments participated, sharing their knowledge and experiences. The workshop focused on enhancing the Clinical Legal Education programme, setting appropriate standards, and fostering collaboration between the Luxembourg and Laos Clinical Legal Education programmes. Participants praised the workshop’s content and expressed a desire for more such events to further improve their skills and understanding of best practices in Clinical Legal Education. 

    Previously, the programme also provided research grants to Lao faculty members on crucial rule-of-law-related topics, such as "Nationality of Children Born from Illegal Surrogacy" and "Legal Problems in Managing Online Purchase and Sale of Goods". Currently, three faculty members are in Luxembourg for a three-month research visit at the They currently benefit of support from professors of the to improve their academic and research skills in the legal field, to strengthen their research capacities and deepen their research on fair trial in criminal proceedings, the influence of international law on the genesis of the rule of law in Laos and LGBTQ+ rights. 

    Furthermore, ongoing support continues for Lao Master's and PhD students pursuing their studies at the University of Luxembourg. Amphon Khammanivong recently completed his first year of master’s degree in law at the, and PhD student Pangthong Xayyavong recently presented his second research progress report on Laos legal framework for foreign investment and environmental protection, particularly in the mining sector. 

    Continued collaboration for a stronger legal future 

    Future activities include research visits to Luxembourg, the launch of new one-year research grants, invitations to professors for guest lectures, and the organisation of a winter school scheduled for early next year. Through this ongoing collaboration, the project plays a vital role in nurturing a robust legal framework and empowering the next generation of legal professionals in Laos. 

    The project remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting the Faculty of Law and Political Science, in close collaboration with the ROLAG programme, and vice versa. Lone, the Senior Sector Adviser of the ROLAG programme highlighted the mutual benefit of integrating the project: "By joining forces under LuxDev’s implementation mechanism, the project gains access to LuxDev’s administrative expertise and resources, allowing for more efficient management. Conversely, ROLAG deepens its engagement with the Faculty of Law and Political Science, especially in terms of strengthening research capacity through additional opportunities to contribute to the faculty’s academic development". In short, the synergy between ROLAG and is a real win-win scenario – for both programmes, but also for Faculty of Law and Political Science staff and management.  

    The ROLAG programme is financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and jointly implemented by the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Ministry of Justice, LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency, ILSTA and the University of Luxembourg.

  • LAOS - Improved access to justice for Lao citizens through continued support from Luxembourg

    Publié le 20 Septembre 2024    Par Nicolas TASCH   EN

    A ceremony was held at the Ministry of Justice to commemorate the handover of IT equipment and furniture to 32 Legal Aid Offices across 28 districts in Khammouane, Bolikhamxay, Bokeo, Vientiane, and Luang Namtha provinces. This contribution aims to enhance the capacity of legal aid offices to provide effective legal consultation and advice to local communities.  

    The event was attended by key officials from the Ministry of Justice, including Dr. Chomkham Boubphalivan, Director General of the Justice System Promotion Department, and Dr. Lone Lindholt, Senior Sectoral Adviser for the ROLAG programme (Enhancing the rule of law, access to justice, and good governance), financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the fifth Lao-Luxembourg Indicative Cooperation Programme (ICP V). 

    Already on 12 June 2024, packages of furniture and non-electronic equipment (tables and chairs) were handed over to Ministry of Justice by the ROLAG programme. The IT equipment and furniture handed over, worth approximatively KIP 1,8 billion (EUR 75,000) included IT and electronic equipment, including laptops and printers, portable loudspeakers for community outreach as well as mobile phones for each office to manage a dedicated WhatsApp function. 

    Luxembourg has been supporting legal aid offices established under the Ministry of Justice - according to Decree 77, Legal Aid (2018) - since 2019, providing essential infrastructure, equipment and training to enable them to function effectively. This latest contribution follows a round of inspection and needs assessment by the Ministry of Justice and the ROLAG programme team. It is part of an ongoing effort by Luxembourg to ensure that these offices have the necessary resources to continue serving their communities effectively. 

    In addition to the IT and furniture distribution, Luxembourg is also committed to supporting legal aid offices in the aftermath of the recent floods in Luang Namtha, caused by the tropical storm Yagi. The ROLAG programme will provide additional funding to repair damaged buildings, furniture and electronic equipment, ensuring that the affected legal aid offices can continue to provide vital services to the most vulnerable populations.

    The ROLAG programm is financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and jointly implemented by the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Ministry of Justice, LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency, ILSTA and the University of Luxembourg.

  • LAOS - Inter-University Cooperation Project Luxembourg - LaosIntegration into ROLAG programme and first activities

    Publié le 13 Mai 2024    Par Paulina BASCHTON   EN

    On 11th January 2024 LuxDev signed a collaboration agreement with the University of Luxembourg integrating the Inter-University Cooperation Project, which has been implemented in Laos by the University of Luxembourg, a Liaison officer and in collaboration with the Institute for Legal Support and Technical Assistance (ILSTA) since 2017, into the Rule of law, access to justice and good governance (ROLAG) programme.

    In March of 2024 the first activity of the Inter-University Cooperation project under the ROLAG programme was carried out. A team of students from the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Vientiane was coached and supported in participating at the 22nd International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Moot Court Competition in Hong Kong.

    The competition, organised by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), took place from 6 to 9 March 2024, and serves as a platform for young legal minds across the region to engage with pressing humanitarian issues and advocate for the protection of human dignity in times of conflict. This year, the competition hosted 22 teams of law students from different universities across the Asia-Pacific Region.

    Every year, the Inter-University Cooperation Project organises the National round (1st stage) of the IHL Moot Court in Laos and supports the winning team to participate at the international round of the competition in Hong Kong. In preparation of the competition, Dr Perrine Simon, and Paulina Baschton (Project Liaison Officer) coached the Lao team intensively until the last day of the competition. The team worked extremely hard and put a lot of effort into this highly competitive moot court.

    Although the team from the National University of Laos did not advance to the quarterfinals, the team garnered positive feedback from judges, showcasing their oral pleading skills. Moreover, the team received a good scoring in the written memorials with an average of good-good+. It is also notable that the Lao team met the team from the Philippines (the team that later won the overall competition) in the very first round and did a very good job pleading against such a strong team.

    This moot court, organised by the ICRC, is a great way to stimulate legal thinking, by learning how to develop legal arguments appropriately. Students have also improved their critical thinking and problem-solving, analytical, presentation and debating skills - and further developed their English language skills!

    This year’s moot problem presented a complex scenario revolving around a conflict between traditional religious values and economic development. It involved allegations against a religious leader for crimes against humanity and war crimes, including the purchase and use of drones and cluster munitions, resulting in civilian harm, as well as the recruitment of minors for hostilities. The problem addressed contemporary issues, such as the use of drones and cluster munitions in warfare.

    After four days of competition, the University of San Agustin (team from the Philippines) won the competition. The first runner-up was awarded to the Thammasat University. Ms. Samantha Grajo from the University of San Agustin was awarded as the Best Mooter of the Final Round. Tribhuvan University received the award for the best prosecution memorial, while the University of Adelaide was honoured with the best defence memorial. For more details on the 22nd IHL Moot Court competition results and announcements, follow the official link.

    During the days of the event, students also had the opportunity to attend the Keynote Seminar on “Urban Warfare and the Relevance of IHL in Preventing and Reducing Civilian Harm”. The panel discussion of this Keynote Seminar was led by Ms Marwa Shabbar (Head of Legal Department, Regional Delegation for East Asia, the ICRC) and Dr James Fry (Associate Professor of Faculty of Law, the University of Hong Kong). At the end of the session, participants had a chance to raise their question and discuss with the panellists.

    We are very proud of the achievements of the Lao team of 2024!

    The Inter-University Cooperation Project between the National University of Laos, Faculty of Law and Political Science, and the University of Luxembourg is funded by the Government of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, and since January 2024, has been integrated into the ROLAG programme, which is jointly implemented by LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency, ILSTA and the University of Luxembourg.

  • LAOS - Luxembourg grants EUR 9 million to continue supporting the legal and judicial sector

    Publié le 3 Août 2023    Par LAO/037   EN

    Under the 5th Indicative Cooperation Programme 2023-2027, the Government of Luxembourg is continuing its support for the Lao legal and justice sector, with a grant of EUR 9 million to carry out its support programme for "Rule of law, access to justice and good governance in Lao PDR" (LAO/037, 2023-2027).

    The extension of support by Luxembourg was reported during a Project Steering Committee meeting held on 14th July 2023, between the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Laos, LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Sports and Education and the National University of Laos, Faculty of Law and Political Science (FLP). 

    The meeting was co-chaired by the Vice-Minister of Justice, Mr Ketsana Phommachanh, the Chargé d’Affaires of the Luxembourg Embassy in Laos, Mr Sam Schreiner, and Associate Professor Dr. Saykhong Saynasine, Director General of Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Sports and Education. 

    Participants reviewed the positive accomplishments and outcomes of the previous project “Legal teaching and training and promotion of the rule of law concept in Lao PDR” (LAO/031, 2017-2022) funded with just under EUR 9 million and officially closed the latter. It was noted that the project has been very successful, in spite of challenges encountered during the implementation period, not least due to the impact of COVID-19. Key results have been the establishment by the Ministry of Justice of 32 provincial and district legal aid offices, and the successful rating of two study programmes at the FLP by the ASEAN University Network. In addition, both practitioners and academia have received substantial training and other capacity building enabling them to perform better in their mandated functions.

    Directly following the closure of LAO/031, the first annual review meeting of the Project Steering Committee on the LAO/037 was opened by its co-chairs. 

    Under the new project, five main support areas have been defined:

    • strengthening higher education in law;
    • strengthening the justice system;
    • support for the penitentiary service;
    • supporting access to affordable justice and legal aid;
    • and strengthening the good governance and rule of law as a whole in the Lao PDR.  

    The programme will continue to support the current institutional partners, mainly the FLP and the Ministry of Justice, emphasising institutional capacity strengthening and legal dissemination. This will be done in alignment with the Strategy for the Justice Sector (2020-2025) and the Legal Aid Decree 77 (2018), as well as strategic frameworks for the university institutions. In addition, support will be provided to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Treaties and Laws, and the National Assembly.

    Under the Ministry of Sports and Education, the project continues to support the FLP and the Faculty of Law and Administration of Champasak University to strengthen their capacity to deliver high qualitative legal education and research in line with national and international quality standards and responding to the reality and needs of the sector within a broader national and international context.

    In terms of support to the FLP, the University of Luxembourg ( will, through the Inter-University Project, engage in strengthened cooperation with LuxDev to ensure that support provided becomes even more efficient and coherent. 

    The Institute for Legal Support and Technical Assistance, co-implementor of LAO/031, will continue providing technical assistance to the Office of the Supreme People's Prosecutor, the People's Supreme Court, the State Inspection Authority, the Ministry of Public Security, the Anti-Money Laundering Intelligence and Customs Office under LAO/037.

    The LAO/037 project is financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.