Ce projet est clôturé depuis le 31.03.2024.
- Pays
- Laos
- Bureau régional de LuxDev
- Bureau Asie
- Secteur
- Gouvernance
- PIC 4
- 2016 - 2020
- Période d'exécution
- 11 Septembre 2019 - 31 Mars 2024
- Durée totale
- 55 mois
- Budget total
- 1 500 000 EUR
- Répartition des contributions
- Gouvernement luxembourgeois
1 300 000 EUR - Contribution nationale
200 000 EUR
Notes techniques et d’orientation
Évaluation intermédiaire

Le Laos ambitionne de quitter son statut de pays moins avancé d’ici 2020. En même temps, le pays continuera à travailler pour atteindre les Objectifs de développement durable.
La mise en œuvre des Objectifs de développement durable est inscrite dans le 8e Plan national de développement socio-économique qui traduit les trois dimensions – économique, sociale et environnementale – du développement durable. L’évaluation récente du Plan national de développement socio-économique démontre que le processus de graduation risque de ralentir les flux d’Aide publique au développement au Laos. De plus, indépendament du processus de graduation, ces flux déclineront à mesure que les recettes du pays continueront à croître. Face à cette nouvelle réalité annoncée, le Laos devra s’adapter et, plus que jamais, veiller à déployer les ressources d’Aide publique au développement de la manière la plus efficace possible.
LAO/033 est un projet de renforcement de capacités qui cherche à répondre aux besoins de gestion de l’Aide publique au développement du ministère du Plan et de l’Investissement et, plus particulièrement, du département de la Coopération internationale et de ses six sections de Coopération internationale. Le projet appuiera également le département de l’inspection du MPI dans la lutte contre la corruption ainsi que le secrétariat des Objectifs de développement durable qui est rattaché au ministère des Affaires étrangères.
L’objectif global du projet est que l’Aide publique au développement appuie efficacement la mise en œuvre du Plan national de développement socio-économique. Son objectif spécifique, quant à lui, est que les principales agences nationales gèrent et coordonnent souverainement l’Aide publique au développement.
Ce projet est axé autour de deux résultats :
- le département de la Coopération internationale a la capacité de gérer et coordonner l’Aide publique au développement efficacement à travers les sections de Coopération internationale provinciales, les ministères compétents et de fournir des renseignements précis et à jour sur l’Aide publique au développement ; et
- les thématiques transversales reflétées dans les Objectifs de développement durable sont prises en compte de manière adéquate dans le cadre d’interventions d’Aide publique au développement et soutiennent le Plan national de développement socio-économique.
Dernières nouvelles
LAOS - The Department of International Organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs launches its Management Information System
The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) launched its new Management Information System (MIS) on 1st September 2022. The launching ceremony was chaired by Madam Sisomboun OUNAVONG, Director General of the Department of International Cooperation (DIC), MPI, and Mr. Daovy VONGXAY, Director General of the Department of International Organisation (DIO), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), accompanied by Deputy Director Generals, Head of Divisions, and other relevant parties.
The Official Development Assistance (ODA) MIS, which is a web-based platform, maintains records of all the data and information related to ODA projects nationwide.
It was created following the recommendations of an assessment commissioned by the DIC. The assessment aimed at examining the current ODA data management process within DIO-MOFA and at analysing how the extension requirements could be accommodated in the current ODA-MIS system.
The MOFA-DIO is the department responsible for all ODA information and data related to projects run by International Non-Governmental Organizations and Civil Society Organizations. The newly created platform will benefit MOFA-DIO and ensure that all information and data is accessible, disseminated, and shared for all end users.
The web-based platform is a part of the process of improving the monitoring of ODA and the 9th National Social Economic Development Plan (9th NSEDP).
The improvements to the existing ODA MIS at DIC-MPI to DIO-MOFA is supported by the Project LAO/033, titled ‘Strengthening the Effectiveness of ODA Management in Lao PDR’. The project is co-financed by the Government of Laos and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
LAOS - Improve coordination and management in seven provinces on official development assistance
The Official Development Assistance (ODA) is significant for Laos as it represents a considerable part of the resources required for implementation of the National socio-economic development plan. ODA reporting, data collection and validation processes is a collaboration of the government (national and provinces) and development partners especially at the local level where real interventions take place. To ensure the plans and actual expenditures, including the use of contribution funds for ODA programmes or projects are reflected in the public investment projects before reporting to the National Assembly of Lao PDR, there is a pressing need for Sector for International Cooperation (SIC) officials in provinces to have appropriate reporting and facilitation skills to handle effective and collaborative coordination meeting in their respective provinces.
Between 21st and 22nd February 2022, the Department of International Cooperation (DIC) organised a two-day training in Luangprabang province with a total of 29 attendees (13 female) who are from Sector for International Cooperation in seven targeted provinces. The training was chaired by the Director General of Department of International Cooperation-Ministry of Planning and Investment.
The training aimed to strengthen the effective ODA coordination and reporting at the provincial level for SIC officials in the seven targeted provinces. The training focused on effective organising and facilitating provincial coordination meeting with development partners related to ODA management.
The training was organised in an environment that had a positive atmosphere which made trainees feel more relax and engaged. There were many questions and answers during the discussion sessions after each working presentation of ODA coordination. Furthermore the trainees were able to demonstrate and facilitate the coordination meeting themselves while allowing the trainers and their peers to give comments and constructive and optimistic feedback.
The meeting is part of an ongoing effort to strengthen the effectiveness of official development assistance management in Laos through the Project LAO/033, which intends to build and increase the capacity of the Ministry of Investment and Planning’s Department of International Cooperation and six provincial sections for international cooperation in the targeted provinces to improve ODA coordination and reporting effectively.
LAO/033 project is cofinanced by the Government of Laos and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
LAOS - Ministry of Planning and Investment officials increase understanding of official development assistance, project management and official development assistance management information system
On 14th January 2022, the Ministry of Planning and Investment departments, line ministries, and provinces organised an annual review meeting via hybrid mode in Vangvieng district. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Sthabandith Insisienmay, Vice Minister of Ministry of Planning and Investment, and attended by 103 senior officials (45 female). The meeting aimed to review and conclude the overall effectiveness of official development assistance management focused on reporting, monitoring, and coordination improvement.
According to the department of international cooperation, in 2021, the overall implementation of actual official development assistance disbursement was 79% of its annual plan. Several high-level consultations and meetings were held, such as the 13th round table meeting, and the 5th Lao-Luxembourg Indicative Program partnership committee. Official development assistance decree outlines the principles, regulations, and mechanisms pertaining to the management and utilisation of official development assistance by development partners to the Government of the Lao PDR. The Department of International Cooperation works closely with development partners to ensure official development assistance funds are managed and utilised in a harmonized, efficient and transparent manner, contributing to the effective implementation of priority targets under the National Socio-Economic Development Plan, in line with the National Green Growth Strategy and the global development agenda.
In 2021, the government agencies focussed on an implementation and mobilise all the official development assistance funding via the meeting with different levels of development partners especially from the 13th round table meeting which was held on 17th November 2021. This meeting is significant to discuss with development partners about official development assistance policies dissemination and reporting about the progress of development and official development assistance mobilisation into the 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan, focusing on achieving sustainable development and eliminating the status of a developing country. Moreover, the meeting focused on the urge for economic recovery from the COVID19 pandemic.
The official development assistance dissemination meeting was very informative as many attendees intended to ask and answer questions related to official development assistance management project, especially official development assistance reporting, approval and monitoring.
PhD. Sthabandith Insisienmay, speaking at the meeting, highlighted the importance of official development assistance management and implementation and called on those present to discuss ways to reach the target for official development assistance implementation in 2021.
The meeting is part of an ongoing effort to strengthen the effectiveness of official development assistance management in Laos through the Project LAO/033, which intends to build and increase the capacity of the Ministry of Investment and Planning’s Department of International Cooperation and six provincial sections for international cooperation in the provinces.
LAO/033 project is co-financed by the Government of Laos and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
LAOS - Officials from the Ministry of Planning and Investment and selected provinces enhance their communication skills
Good communication skills are essential in today’s workplace and can be used in a wide range of situations. Building good communication skills has profound short and long-term benefits for both public and private organisations. An effective communicator can motivate teams to get more done with better results and fewer misunderstandings.
Therefore, a 4-day online training course on effective communication was held from the 2 to 5 November 2021. The training was led by Deputy Director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), and attended by 20 officials (06 women) from six SICs-Provincial Planning and Investment Department and Department of International Cooperation-MPI.
The training aimed at increasing staff skills on how to effectively communicate focusing on:
- verbal communication and body language;
- effective email and report communication;
- persuasive communication;
- good presentations; and
- building confidence when speaking in public.
The participants shared their past experiences and expressed their desired training outcomes. A reflection session helped the attendees assess their communication skills and guide them in how to improve them. Even though the training was held online, participants actively participated via dry runs, for example, receiving feedback from their peers and the coach.
The training mentioned above is part of the Strengthening the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance Management in Laos - Project LAO/033 activities which aim to strengthen the capacity of Directorate of International Cooperation, Ministry of Planning and Investment and six Provincial Sections of the International Cooperation.
LAO/033 project is co-financed by the Government of Laos and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
LAOS - Developing Sector Working Groups (SWGs) into an ODA mobilisation forum
The Round Table Meeting (RTM) process and its related Sector Working Groups (SWGs) have been established since 2000. These are the inclusive forums to support the design and implementation of the country’s national development plans. Implementation meetings are held every year to take stock of progress made in the past year and set joint priorities for the coming year. However, they are not tools for well-planned Official Development Assistance (ODA) mobilisation. Discussions at the RTM and SWGs tend to be more on the policy level than practical ODA mobilisation. Thus, the Project LAO/033 has, in close cooperation with UNDP, undertake further development of the SWGs so that in addition to policy discussions, they would become a platform for mobilising ODA funds in a well-planned manner and meet the needs of line sector.
On 12-13 August 2021, the Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Planning and Investment organized a consultation workshop to present and finalize Sector Working Groups (SWGs) into the ODA mobilisation forum and its associated implementation guidelines and instructions to sector working groups.
The workshop was chaired by Ms Sisomboun Ounavong, Director General of Department of International Cooperation and attended by 38 officials (15 women) from key stakeholders in the 10 sector working groups namely health, education, governance, macro economics, trade and private sector development, infrastructure, mine action and UXO, illicit drug control, natural resource and environment and agriculture and rural development.
The workshop discussed ways of promoting resources mobilisation, both domestically and externally (including foreign direct investment, and international private sector and civil society contributions), their allocation to sector priorities, and monitoring and reporting on use of resources in a transparent and predictable manner in close collaboration with core ministries as Ministry of Planning and Investment and Ministry of Finance and concerned Development Partners (DPs).
The meeting is part of an ongoing effort of the Strengthening the effectiveness of Official Development Assistance management in Laos - Project LAO/033, which aims to build capacity of the Ministry of Investment and PIanning’s Department of International Cooperation.
LAO/033 project is co-financed by the Government of Laos and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
LAOS - Officials in the Ministry of Planning and Investment increase understanding of ODA decree and its related implementation guidelines
In June 2021, the Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Planning and Investment organised a dissemination workshop on Official Development Assistance (ODA) decree and its associated implementation guidelines and instructions to the six target provinces namely Khammouan, Bolikhamxay, Vientiane, Sayaboury, Oudomxay and Bokeo.
The workshop was chaired by deputy provincial governors and deputy directors general of Department of International Cooperation and attended by 120 officials (45 women) from key stakeholders in the six provinces.
Speaking at the meeting, the chairman highlighted the importance of ODA management and implementation and called on the attendees to discuss ways to reach the target for ODA implementation, improve reporting and effective management.
During the one-day workshop, the participants shared their national and regional experience in ODA management and coordination. The workshop helped increase understanding and reflected the roles and responsibilities of the attendees.
The meeting is part of an ongoing efforts of the Strengthening the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance Management in Laos - Project LAO/033 which aims to build capacity of the Ministry of Investment and PIanning’s Department of International Cooperation and six provincial Sections for International Cooperation in the provinces.
LAO/033 project is co-financed by the Government of Laos and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
LAOS - Increase understanding of State Inspection Authority Inspectors Anti-Corruption
Early February in the Vientiane Capital, the Support Project to Legal Teaching and Training and the Promotion of the Rule of Law Concept in Laos – Project LAO/031 and the Department of Inspection of Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) jointly conducted the State Inspection Authority Inspectors Anti-Corruption workshop for officials from selected Provincial Planning and Investment Divisions (PPID).
The workshop was chaired by Mr. Sounthone Chanthavisith, Head of Inspection of Department of Inspection, Ministry of Planning and Investment and attended by the representatives from LuxDev Regional Office, LAO/033 project and Institute for Legal Support and Technical Assistance (ILSTA).
The two-day workshop focused on the general definition of anti-corruption, forms and gift of corruption, laundering the proceeds of corruption and anti-corruption lessons learned in Laos.
During the two days, the participants shared their national and regional experiences in tackling corruption complaints. The workshop helped increase their understanding and reflected the roles and responsibilities of the attendees towards fighting corruption.
Lao government is currently improving the legislation to combat corruption through Anti-Corruption Law enforcement and the establishment of state inspection authorities at all administrative levels and sectors. Furthermore, the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, on Extradition, and the amended Penal Code are currently being enacted.
The workshop was part of the on-going effort to provide support to Strengthening the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Management in Lao PDR - LAO/033 Project with the technical assistance provided by Legal Support and Technical Assistance (ILSTA) under the scope of the Support Project to Legal Teaching and Training and to Promotion of the Rule of Law Concept in Laos – LAO/031.
LAO/031 and LAO/033 projects are funded by the Government of Laos and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Planning and Investment and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
LAOS - Officials from the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Planning and Investment learn results-based Monitoring and Evaluation
Between July and August 2020, LuxDev Regional Office in Vientiane Laos, jointly with the Support Programme for Legal Teaching and Training and to the Promotion of the Rule of Law Concept in Laos, LAO/031 and the Strengthening the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Management in LAO PDR programme, LAO /033, conducted a set of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) workshops for the Department of International Cooperation (DIC), Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) and the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). These governmental agencies are the key national partners for the above-mentioned projects.
Group work on the results chain quiz of project LAO/033, © LuxDev
The workshop focused on:
- basic understanding of Monitoring and Evaluation (concepts and the relationship);
- Monitoring and Evaluation within LuxDev (including guides and result-based reporting).
The workshop was chaired by the Vice Minister of Justice and attended by Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals, representatives from line departments, divisions, cabinet office, District Justice Office and Provincial Justice Department in Bolikhamxay and Khammouan provinces.
Participant’s reflection after the workshop, © LuxDev
During and after the workshop we spoke with Mr. Sysomphorn Phetdaoheuang, Deputy Director General of DIC/MPI and Ms. Saikit Visisomebath, Deputy Director General of DIC/MoJ:
Question: Why does this M&E workshop matter for your departments?
"We are really keen to understand and learn the basic and principles of M&E for results. We, as a key coordinating agency on behalf of the government in mobilizing Official Development Assistance (ODA), should know what are we focusing on and what we aim to deliver. What exactly are we trying to achieve? The most important thing is how we will tell whether our support is working.
Lack of monitoring tools and reliable data are ongoing challenges in our legal sector and so is ODA, when it comes to annual reviews and reporting to the government and the National Assembly.
As you might know, our country has signed up for many international treaties and development agendas, including the 2030 Agenda and more importantly, the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC). As a part of our international commitment, having proper monitoring tools help us to systematically track progress and demonstrate the impact of our activities.
This M&E workshop allows us to gain some basic understanding and answers to the above-mentioned questions. Furthermore, while in the past we have read many project design documents, terms of reference of project evaluations, we did not fully know what to look for in those documents and how to provide good advice to our senior managers and constructive feedback to our development partners.
Question: Could you tell us three things that you’ve learned from this workshop?
The three key take away from this M&E workshop are:
- understanding what is the result chain or intervention logic;
- understanding what is M&E and its relationship; and
- understanding the concept of indicators in terms of what we should consider as a good project indicator.
Question: Could you tell us one specific tool or strategy that you will use right away after the workshop when you come back to your office?
The specific tool that I will use right after this workshop is the result chain concept which I think is particularly important for the project planning. If we understand it well and get the logic right, it would be easy for us to monitor the progress and meaningfully assess to what extent we are moving towards our project objectives.
The workshop facilitator elaborates the results chain concept, © LuxDev
Ms. Saikit Visisomebath, Deputy Director General, Department of International Cooperation, MoJ explains the different stages of the project LAO/031 results chain, © LuxDev
Participants from Department of International Cooperation, Department of Inspection-MPI, Department of International Organisation - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Lao Securities Commission Office, © LuxDev
M&E is increasingly perceived as important for key line ministries who are responsible for Official Development Assistance projects in Laos, as the country has signed up for many international treaties and development agendas, including Global Partnership for Effectiveness Development Co-operation and the Sustainable Development Goals. Lao PDR was among the earliest countries to localize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and integrate them into its Eighth National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) in 2016, with around 60 % of the 160 NSEDP indicators linked to the SDGs.
LAOS - Ministry of Planning and Investment launches Website
The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) has launched a new website on 14th August 2020. The launching ceremony was chaired by Mr. Sonsai Siphandone, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Investment, accompanied by Vice Minsters, former leaders, Director Generals, and other relevant parties.
The opening of the ministry’s official website ( provides a platform for official planning and investment related information for the public
The website was created based on the government’s common G-web platform with the technical support from the E-government Department, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and with financial support from Project LAO/033, titled ‘Strengthening the Effectiveness of ODA Management in Lao PDR’.
Previously, MPI did not have a modern website that highlighted the Department of International Cooperation and its function. A web-page is a necessary channel for communicating on the country’s development plans and for circulating national policies, strategic documents including the National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to various actors, including civil society, the private sector as well as the general public. The website is a part of the process of enhancing transparency surrounding the NSEDP and Official Development Assistance.
Workshop Strengthens Ministry of Planning and Investment’s Anti-Corruption Efforts
Through Project LAO/033, the Lao government is continuing to develop capacity among officials from the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) through a two-day anti-corruption workshop, with a focus on the dangers of unethical practices and criminal behaviour in the country.
Deputy Director General of the Department of Inspection of MPI, Mr Phouxay Phetsikham, who is also Vice President of the Ministry’s Inspection Committee, attended the anti-corruption workshop held in Vientiane from 21-22 July 2020. During the training, participants shared national and regional experiences in tackling corruption complaints. The meeting helped MPI officials to acknowledge their role and responsibilities towards fighting corruption.
The workshop took place under the framework of the cooperation programme between the Lao and Luxembourgish governments to build the capacity of the country’s planning and investment officials. Specifically, the project is titled LAO/033 - Strengthening the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Management in Lao PDR.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr Phouxay stated that the government was placing utmost importance on carrying out inspections and monitoring expenditure, which is a key part of its anti-corruption operations.
“The meeting is important for improving the knowledge and experience of the officials who undertake inspections, namely those from the Ministry of Planning and Investment,” he said. Corruption causes great loss to the state and individuals while hindering and delaying the socio-economic development of a country, according to the Ministry’s Inspection Committee. Corruption means the act of an official who opportunistically misuses their position, powers, or duties to embezzle, swindle or receive bribes or any other type of reward. The Lao government is aiming to improve its capacities, both in terms of legislation and human resources, to continue its fight against corruption.
The government is continuing to improve the legislation to combat corruption, via the Law on Anti-Corruption and the establishment of state inspection authorities at all administrative levels and sectors, while enacting the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, the Law on Extradition, and the amended Penal Code.
Laos signed the United Nations Convention against Corruption on December 10, 2003, and ratified it on September 25, 2009, alongside 186 State Parties, according to the State Inspection and Anti-Corruption Authority.
LAOS - Rendering Official development assistance (ODA) coordination and management more effective
On 23 June 2020, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) officially launched the new ODA mobilisation strategy 2030. The promulgation ceremony took place in Vientiane Capital and was chaired by Dr. Kikeo Chanthaboury, Deputy Minister of MPI and co-chaired by Mr. Sam Schreiner, Chargé d´Affaires of the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Vientiane. The development of the ODA Strategy is part of the ongoing support provided by the Government of Luxembourg under the project LAO/033 - Strengthening the Effectiveness of ODA Management in the LAO PDR, which aims to increase the effectiveness of Lao key agencies in managing and coordinating ODA.
While there have been many achievements over the last years, there is still a need to continue improving development cooperation effectiveness in Lao PDR, to improve the effectiveness of the national Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Secretariat and strengthening MPI’s Department of International Cooperation’s capacity to manage ODA effectively as well as to further improve working practices with national and international stakeholders.
In order to manage ODA more effectively, there is a need to clarify the regulatory framework around ODA and to develop a comprehensive ODA mobilization strategy. Coordination with other actors, particularly the line ministries, provinces and the development partners needs to be strengthened.
The recent Mid-Term Review of the Lao PDR’s 8th National Socio-economic Development Plan (NSEDP) showed that, with the least-developed country (LDC) graduation expected by 2024, ODA will likely be declining in the next years. Therefore, it is even more important to adapt this new development context and to use ODA resources effectively.
For ODA to be a more effective resource for the implementation of the NSEDP and the SDGs, the key Lao agencies in charge of managing and coordinating ODA in the Lao PDR need to be able to carry out that role effectively.
Having more effective ODA financing for the implementation of the national development plan and the achievement of SDGs will naturally benefit the entire population of Laos, and in particular the poor.
The Lao government recognises the past difficulties of aligning development planning and financing. In the next cycle of the NSEDP, the government is committed to ensure that funding allocation is timely and aligned with the country’s overall development priorities.
Reflecting all ODA financed interventions in the national budgets is not only contributing to enhanced transparency, but also supports harmonisation of planning and financing. Ensuring public funding contribution provided by the government in ODA interventions will in turn cater for greater commitment of the Government and improved sustainability.
Developing an ODA Strategy will provide a vision and priorities for Department of International Cooperation (DIC) in terms of ODA management and coordination. Additionally, it will provide clarity on aspects such as ODA mobilisation, harmonisation of planning and financing, reflecting ODA in the budget, national funding for ODA interventions, among others.
At the event, Mr. Sam Schreiner also informed the participants, that the Embassy of Luxembourg to Lao PDR has officially launched the identification mission for the next Lao-Luxembourg medium-term development cooperation strategy, the Indicative Cooperation Programme V (ICP V). The next ICP seeks to deepen and strengthen the existing priorities of the Laos-Luxembourg development cooperation by further strengthening alignment with the SDGs and the Agenda 2030, as well as with the next NSEDP, in order to contribute to the overall goal of alleviating extreme poverty.
LAOS - The upgrading of IT capacity and equipment reduces downtime and enhances productivity
On 10th June 2020, Project LAO/033 – Strengthening the Effectiveness of ODA Management in Laos, handed over IT equipment to the Department of International Cooperation (DIC) and the Department of Inspection (DOI) of the Ministry of Planning and Investment as well as to the Department of International Organization (DIO) and the National Sustainable Development Goals Secretariat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The upgrading of the IT systems and equipment is one of the priorities set out in the 2020 annual operational plan. This support is based on the findings and recommendations of the IT capacity assessment carried out jointly by LuxDev, DIC, DOI and SDG Secretariat in late 2019. The new IT equipment will enable DIC and the two other departments to better maintain their IT systems and to ensure the effective running of the iOffice system.
The IT equipment handover ceremony is the culmination of a joint initiative from the end of 2019 and was attended by Sisomboun Ounavong, Director General Director of DIC, MPI, and various Director Generals and Deputy Director Generals from DIO and the SDG secretariat. Quentin Bourdeaux, LuxDev Resident Representative, had the honour of handing over the equipment.