Ce projet est clôturé depuis le 31.12.2023.
- Pays
- Kosovo
- Bureau pays de LuxDev
- Bureau Kosovo
- Secteur
- Éducation, formation et emploi
- Agence d'exécution partenaire
- Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST)
- Période d'exécution
- 1 Janvier 2020 - 31 Décembre 2023
- Durée totale
- 48 mois
- Budget total
- 2 000 000 EUR
- Répartition des contributions
- Gouvernement luxembourgeois
0 EUR - Commission européenne
2 000 000 EUR
KOSOVO - Support to vocational education and training, professional requalification and occupation
Évaluation intermédiaire

Les accords de stabilisation et d'association (ASA) sont uniques pour chaque pays, l'accent étant mis sur l'établissement d'un environnement de libre-échange entre les pays des Balkans occidentaux et l'UE ainsi que sur la fixation d'objectifs communs à atteindre dans le cadre du processus d'adhésion. L'ASA entre l'UE et le Kosovo, qui est entré en vigueur en 2016, définit également les réformes et les obligations nécessaires dans le domaine de l'éducation. L'objectif de l'instrument d'aide de préadhésion (IAP) est de développer les capacités des pays en soutenant leur développement économique, social et territorial. Conformément aux lignes directrices et aux paramètres de l'ASA, l'IAP II (2014-2020) finance le Kosovo sur la voie de son intégration dans l'UE.
L'IAP II introduit des documents de stratégie par pays (DSP) identifiant les principaux domaines prioritaires à financer. parmi ceux concernant le Kosovo figurent l'enseignement pré-universitaire et l'enseignement et la formation professionnels. Le projet KSV/801 est entièrement financé par l'UE et a été formulé conformément aux lignes directrices de l'IAP II. En outre, il s'aligne sur d'autres documents et stratégies nationaux tels que la Stratégie nationale de développement du Kosovo, le Programme européen de réforme du Kosovo et le Plan stratégique 2017-2021 pour l'éducation au Kosovo. L'objectif principal du projet est d'améliorer la structure et les performances du système d'enseignement et de formation professionnels (EFP) et la prestation de l'EFP au Kosovo, ainsi que de promouvoir une éducation inclusive et de qualité et un apprentissage tout au long de la vie pour tous, conformément au SDG4.
Mis en œuvre par LuxDev, en étroite coopération avec le Ministère de l'éducation, de la science et de la technologie du Kosovo (MEST), le projet KSV/801 s'inscrit dans le programme d'action IAP II 2018 contribuant au développement au Kosovo d'un système d'enseignement et de formation professionnels de qualité, inclusif et responsable. Plus précisément, son objectif est d'améliorer la qualité et la pertinence sur le marché du travail des programmes d'éducation et de formation afin de faciliter le passage de l'école à l'emploi des étudiants en formation professionnelle et d'améliorer l'employabilité des diplômés de la formation professionnelle. Cet objectif est atteint grâce au soutien apporté à trois écoles professionnelles et à plusieurs acteurs clés du secteur de la formation professionnelle, dont le MEST, le ministère du Travail et de la Protection sociale (MTPS), l'Autorité nationale des qualifications et l'Agence nationale pour l'emploi
Le projet est organisé autour de trois résultats:
- la planification et l'offre de l'enseignement professionnel répondent aux besoins des apprenants et des employeurs dans certaines écoles professionnelles;
- des systèmes de suivi des diplômés sont en place dans le domaine de l'EFP pour garantir la cohérence des données sur l'employabilité des diplômés et la pertinence des compétences par rapport aux besoins du marché du travail;
- des arrangements et la fourniture de reconnaissance des acquis au niveau du Kosovo sont en place et opérationnels dans les secteurs/professions économiques les plus nécessaires en tant que forme d'amélioration de l'emploi et des possibilités d'apprentissage tout au long de la vie pour les apprenants adultes.
Le projet bénéficie des enseignements tirés des projets d'EFP financés par le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et mis en œuvre au Kosovo par LuxDev, en particulier le projet KSV/015 " Appui à la réforme de la formation et de l'enseignement professionnel au Kosovo : Création de centres de compétences à Ferizaj et Prizren" et projet KSV/020, "Appui à la réforme de l'enseignement et de la formation professionnels au Kosovo 2".
Ce dernier élargit encore le soutien au secteur de l'EFP, en développant les capacités des institutions locales à améliorer la qualité et la réactivité du secteur de l'EFP à la demande du marché du travail. En outre, il vise à aider le gouvernement du Kosovo à revoir le cadre juridique, la structure de gouvernance et la structure financière actuels en vue de moderniser certaines composantes essentielles du système national de formation professionnelle.
Le projet KSV/801 sera mis en œuvre sur une période de trois ans débutant en janvier 2020 avec un budget total de 2 000 000 EUR.
Dernières nouvelles
KOSOVO - Unveiling transformation-shaping Kosovo’s vocational education
Aligned with the Kosovo Government programme and the strategic plan of the Ministry of Education, Science, Technoloy, and Innovation (MESTI), Project KSV/801 - European Union Support to Vocational Education and Training (VET), Professional Requalification and Occupation is dedicated to supporting the adoption and implementation of Dual Vocational Education and Training (Dual VET) in the Kosovo education system.
The Dual VET is a unique type of work-based learning. It improves training quality and learning-transfer, reduces skills mismatches and smoothens school-to-work transition.
As part of the commitment to Dual VET learning, the MESTI General Secretary has taken a significant step forward by establishing 10 working groups of experts tasked with adapting curricula for Dual VET Learning. These adaptations have already commenced implementation in the current academic year 2023/2024.
Among the 10 established working groups, six are exclusively dedicated to profiles introduced for the very first-time diversifying opportunities for Kosovo's youth: Heating, Water, and Air Conditioning Installer, Electrical Installer, Metalworker, Carpenter, Tailor, Beautician. Four more working groups are revising curricula for profiles introduced in the previous school year (2022-2023), including Bricklayers, Hairdressers, Cooks, and Hotel Assistants. The activity of the project will be extended to curricula for grades 11 and 12 within these profiles.
The anticipated outcomes of these workshops are comprehensive. They include:
- reviewing curricula for new profiles: a meticulous review of the curricula for the six profiles being introduced for the first time in the 2023/2024 school year;
- reviewing curricula for existing profiles: a thorough evaluation of the curricula for the four profiles that were introduced in the previous school year, including the adaptation of curricula for grades 11 and 12;
- evaluating applicative subjects: a focused examination of applicative subjects within these profiles to ensure their relevance and effectiveness.
- standardisation of curricula: establishing a model for future implementation by standardising the curricula for all 10 profiles. This standardisation will serve as a blueprint for future curricula development within the Dual VET learning system;
- teacher training: equipping teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively implement the adapted curricula within the Dual VET learning system;
- recommendations for improvement: based on the insights gained from these workshops, comprehensive recommendations for further enhancing the Dual VET learning system will be provided.
This collaboration between MESTI and the project marks a groundbreaking milestone for Kosovo's vocational education. By crafting robust, standardised, and industry-aligned curricula, it is putting Kosovo's students on the path to promising careers.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
KOSOVO - Workshop regarding the regulation of the graduate tracking system at the national level
The workshop on regulating tracer studies through secondary legislation was held in the context of the European Union Support to Vocational Education and Training Professional Requalification and Occupation (ESVET PRO) project, together with the implementing partner EdGuard Institute at the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI). The workshop brought together key stakeholders to present and discuss the first draft of the legislation.
Presenting of the draft legal framework of the Tracer Study Information System (TSIS) to the MESTI and other key stakeholders
The workshop participants reaffirmed the importance of the tracer study and reiterated the need to build a legal basis to facilitate the programme’s operation. During this workshop, the first draft of the bylaw was presented, and participants discussed the legal basis, proposed structure, roles of the stakeholders and organisational issues of the proposed structure.
Key stakeholders of MESTI and partners meeting for legal framework of the TSIS
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
KOSOVO - Provision of equipment to Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools
As part of the support to the three VET schools by the project KSV/801 - European Union Support to Vocational Education and Training (VET), Professional Requalification and Occupation (ESVET PRO), on 4 October 2022, equipment has been provided to the “Adem Gllavica” school in Lipjan and the “Feriz Guri dhe Vëllezërit Çaka” school in Kaçanik for the profiles of metal worker, electrical installer, water, sewage, heating and cooling, and building insulation. As the “Lutfi Musiqi” school in Vushtrri is a beneficiary of project KSV/801 (ESVET PRO) and project KSV/020, both implemented by LuxDev, the metal worker profile has been supported by KSV/020, whereas the equipment for the profiles of electrical installer, water, sewage, heating and cooling, and building insulation are being provided by KSV/801 (ESVET PRO).
The equipment provided to the three supported schools will be utilised by the students to develop their skillset in the above-mentioned profiles.
Provision of equipment to the “Lutfi Musiqi” school in Vushtrri
Provision of equipment to the “Feriz Guri and Vëllezërit Çaka” school in Kaçanik
Provision of equipment to the “Adem Gllavica” school in Lipjan
The directors of the schools, Mr. Atdhe Neziri in Kaçanik, Mr. Skender Rudari in Lipjan, and Mr. Ibrahim Lahu in Vushtrri thanked the project KSV/801 (ESVET PRO) for the continuous support and for the provision of equipment in particular. “Undoubtedly, the equipment will immensely support the teaching and learning process while offering students the chance to enhance their skills in using the right tools that are used in real working life” states Mr Rudari.
Project KSV/801 (ESVET PRO) remains committed to equip the VET schools with modern equipment for the development and improvement of the infrastructure of the schools and the overall VET sector.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
KOSOVO - Certification of the first batch of master trainers and practitioners of the recognition of prior learning (RPL)
During September 2022, the project ESVET PRO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), the National Qualification Authority (NQA) and with the partnership and coordination of EdGuard Institute, has certified the first batch of master trainers and practitioners for the provision recognition of prior learning (RPL) services.
Certification of the first batch of master trainers and practitioners of the RPL
Mr. Stergios Tragoudas (EU Office) and Mr. Daniele Cristian Passalacqua (LuxDev) congratulating the participants during the certification event
Mr. Stergios Tragoudas, programme manager for education in the EU Office, was also present at this event, confirming the importance given to this component by the donor and all the relevant stakeholders.
Certification of the first batch of master trainers and practitioners of the RPL
The master trainers will train RPL practitioners (mentors, coordinators and assessors). In order to increase the capacities related to the implementation of the RPL, intensive training sessions were also organised for RPL practitioners of various VET institutions.
The project will continue to support all VET institutions interested in the provision of RPL in the process of accreditation. The project remains committed to the establishment of a robust and sustainable RPL system at the national level.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
KOSOVO - Digitalisation of the VET system: the role of digital tools in the learning and assessment process
Digitalisation is changing our everyday work lives and occupations, and this digital transformation is expanding into all spheres of life, including the world of work. Although these developments are creating new risks and challenges, they are also bringing new opportunities for the world of work and - of course - for vocational education and training (VET).
Through ESVET PRO, the development of new technologies that aim to improve the planning and implementation of the teaching, learning and assessment of teachers and students is foreseen. Herein, an online assessment tool namely the Cloud Based Testing System (CBTS) has been adapted and implemented in all VET schools at national level. The tool plays a key role in the process of monitoring the student learning, improving the academic programs, and enhancing teaching and learning processes.
The CBTS will assist the school staff in the process of teaching both theoretical and (simulated) practical training, it will facilitate the introduction of e-learning and simplify the assessment process during the school year, promoting efficiency, equity, and transparency. Until now, the project KSO/801 has managed to customise the already existing CBTS to fit the needs of the VET system in Kosovo and has provided a lifetime license for the use of the system to all national VET schools. Through the activities supported by the project, questions banks were developed along with the training materials, online tutorials and self-explanatory videos for teachers and students, involving not only international and local experts but also the direct beneficiaries of this intervention, leading to a further capacity development for the VET institutions involved. In this regard, 203 teachers were involved in an accredited training at national level and were certified in the usage of the CBTS.
Considering the high interest from the VET schools in the system, as well as the positive feedback and outcome of this intervention, the project organised an event on the topic of "Digitalisation of the VET system: the role of digital tools in the learning and assessment process". The event had two main objectives: the first one was to present the importance of digitalisation of the VET system in Kosovo and the role of using digital tools in the learning and assessment process, and the second one was to present the question banks developed by the teachers and identify opportunities for cooperation between VET stakeholders for further development of digital tools in the VET sector.
ESVET PRO believes that the continuous professional development of teachers and the establishment of high-quality educational offer for students is imperative for Kosovo’s VET system. The way to achieve this is by using technology to improve the teaching and learning experience. This, nonetheless, is crucial to shifting society’s perception on the VET system and making it a primary choice for Kosovo’s youth.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
KOSOVO - Capacity development activities at national level for vocational education and training tracer study
In the framework of the graduate tracking system, the European Union support to vocational education and training, professional requalification and occupation project, KSV/801, conducted several trainings for capacity building of vocational education and training institutions for the implementation of tracer studies.
In order to further establish the tracer studies implementation support model, the KSV/801 project prepared a training programme involving relevant staff members of the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, the Employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo , and the Agency for vocational education and training and adult education to support the effective utilisation and monitoring of tracer studies implementation. Moreover, the the KSV/801 project has developed and implemented a capacity building programme for vocational education and training institutions in implementation of tracer studies. Vocational education and training schools and vocational training centers are responsible to perform operational measures at school level to best utilise the implementation of tracer studies. The objective of this programme was to build the capacities of the key actors at central and local level in the implementation of tracer studies.
The training was done in five regions and covered directors of all vocational education and training schools and vocational training centers, as well as the staff of the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation and Employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo. The training was divided into two parts;
- to inform relevant stakeholders about the methodology and implementation of the tracer study and responsibilities of vocational education and training institutions in this regard.
- a hands-on training to provide a broad overview of use and management of tracer study information system.
At the end of these training sessions, all participants received certificates for the successful completion of these training.
“These training are just the beginning of a long journey toward the full-operationalization of the National graduate tracking system, respectively tracer studies. It was a great pleasure for our project to start this initiative. Tracer studies are widespread in the vocational education and training sector in the region because institutions are interested in feedback from their former students to improve their study programmes and to show new applicants how their graduates have managed the transition to employment.”
The training programme materials will be transferred to the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation along with a roadmap to enable the continued delivery of the training programme.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
KOSOVO - Coach and mentor, the management of the schools on implementation of industrial liaison unit
In the last quarter of 2021, the European Union Support to Vocational Education and Training, Professional Requalification and Occupation project (ESVET PRO) conducted the capacity development activities for the implementation of the industrial liaison unit . As the name implies, this unit aims to facilitate the establishment of relations with industry representatives to ensure the alignment of the vocational education and training offer with the labour market needs.
The capacity development activities were developed across the three vocational education and training schools supported by the ESVET PRO project:
- Lutfi Musiqi in Vushtrri;
- Feriz Guri dhe Vëllezërit Çaka in Kaçanik; and
- Adem Gllavica in Lipjan.
The main purpose of these activities was to show the importance of including the private sector as part of the core management within the vocational education and training schools and their influence in strengthening the quality and attractiveness of the vocational education and training offer. The training covered the following topics:
Mapping partnership needs and setting up a partnership strategy
Project collaboration with the school management mapped the current partnerships and scored the partnership performance. The participants reasoned on the next steps that the schools need to take with regards to partnerships and what could be done to enhance more prosperous partnerships.
Managing the Industrial Bodies
Given that the inauguration of industrial bodies was completed during the second and third quarter of 2021, the school management and the private sector identified the importance of having the private sector involved in the middle-management of the schools. With this respect, ESVET PRO Project supported and coached the management of the schools and the private sector in the metal working, heating/cooling/water and sewage and electrical installation profiles. Majority of partnerships are exemplar because the schools have started to receive direct and tangible benefits within a short period of time.
Labour market information: its importance and the implementation within the school context
Project KSV/020 implemented by LuxDev has previously conducted the labour market information for six sectors, including 12 occupations. The findings were discussed with the three supported schools with focus on areas in which schools need to adapt their offer. In addition, the schools were taught on the methodology to map market trends and conduct labour market information in the future by using qualitative and quantitative methods.
The Student Voice - mapping the student incentives and running the study
During the second quarter of 2021, ESVET PRO project analysed the student incentives and prepared a report based on a sample of 355 students from the selected three schools. These studies will be used for the implementation of business model approach and the creation of strategies and marketing materials. During these capacity development activities, the management of the schools was trained on the methodology used for this research, so that the schools will continue to do these studies periodically. The schools were also supported on developing the methodology, data collection, data input in the system, data analysis and report writing.
Improving vocational education and training schools’ performance in line with labour market demand requires big strategic moves. Every big move starts with a first step. The capacity development initiatives are an important step in the long road to making the business model approach a reality. Further activities will be organized with the schools in the coming weeks.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
KOSOVO - Operationalise recognition of prior learning as active labour market measure
The European Union project, Support to vocational education and training, professional requalification and occupation, ESVET PRO has been supporting the employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo with technical and financial support, in establishing a legal framework and operational arrangements to include recognition of prior learning as a complementary active labour market measure. Kosovo’s active labour market measures promote labour market integration by reducing job-finding barriers and increasing employment probability.
More specifically, ESVET PRO has provided technical support to the employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo to revise the regulation on active labour market measures (No. 01/2018). This regulation implements the following active labour market measures:
- vocational training (through vocational training centres );
- on-the-job training;
- wage subsidies;
- internship scheme;
- self-employment and promoting entrepreneurship; and
- public works.
Consequently, the goal was to include recognition of prior learning as part of the active labour market measures mentioned above and operationalise it through the two related manuals:
- the operational manual for training and re-training; and
- the operational manual for employment services provision.
For this process, ESVET PRO provided specialised expertise for the revision of the two manuals and the provision of training to the directors of VTCs on the implementation and operationalisation of these manuals.
In June, project ESVET PRO, EU representatives, the employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo, vocational training centres directors and other important stakeholders met to celebrate an important milestone : the revision and the update of two manuals that make recognition of prior learning fully operational as active labour market measure.
The chief technical advisor of the project ESVET PRO, Daniele Cristian Passalacqua, highlighted that “this ceremony constitutes only one of the agreed activities as part of the memorandum of understandings, co-signed between the project ESVET PRO and the employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo. Our cooperation aims to support the employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo and vocational training centres to fully operationalise recognition of prior learning as an active labour arket measure at national level”.
Daniele Cristian Passalacqua (chief technical advisor of ESVET PRO) and Stergios Tragoudas (programme manager-EU policies-education) discussing regarding the importance of fully operationalizing recognition of prior learning as an active labour market measure.The European Union representative, Stergios Tragoudas, expressed his gratitude to the employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo for their commitment and professionalism in collaborating with ESVET PRO, a project funded by the European Union and implemented by LuxDev. Mr Tragoudas stated that this event marks an important milestone for Kosovo’s vocational education and training system. He hopes that the ESVET PRO project and the employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo will continue to bring greater outcomes to promote quality education and lifelong learning for all in Kosovo.
The director of the employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr Drin Haraqia and the head of the vocational education and training department, Ms Jehona Rexha, thanked the ESVET PRO project for the support and assured that the employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo would continue its commitment to the organisation of future joint activities.
The event was followed by a training delivered to all directors of vocational training centres on the implementation of the manuals. The project ESVET PRO will continue to support the employment agency of the Republic of Kosovo and vocational training centres in successfully implementing the recognition of prior learning component throughout Kosovo.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
KOSOVO - Inaugural events kicked off after the establishment of the Industrial Bodies in the three selected schools
During the last two months, the European Union funded project ESVET PRO celebrated a great milestone through the inauguration of the Industrial Bodies The main purpose of these events was to present the importance of having the private sector as part of the core management within the VET schools and their influence in strengthening the quality and attractiveness of VET. Ensuring the quality and attractiveness of VET is important both in terms of providing the right competencies for the labour market, but also as a means of securing the quantity and the quality of VET graduates.
Therefore, one of the major components and support of ESVET PRO is the implementation of the Business Model (BM) Approach in the three selected VET schools by the Project. The Project established and started the implementation of the BM by identifying partnership gaps and promoting partnerships for the supported profiles, as well as launching the Industrial Advisory Boards and Industrial Bodies. By establishing the Industrial Bodies, the schools do not merely aim at fostering the relationship with the private sector, instead they also intend to integrate the representatives of local businesses within the middle-management structure of the VET school. This approach will ensure a constant presence of private businesses within schools and will allow the utilization of the resources coming from the private sector. The Business Model approach is being adapted to the Kosovo’s legal and economic environment and with the support of ESVET PRO and Project KSV/020, MESTI is in the process of establishing the legal basis for the implementation of the Business Model management concept in VET schools.
Until now, the three selected schools have formalized approximately 50 partnerships with private companies that will be engaged in the Industrial Bodies of the schools. More specifically, in each of the three schools there are approximately five to six businesses that are part of one Industrial body. Partner businesses will be continuously involved in terms of reviewing and updating qualification sets, effective provision of work-based learning, capacity development of teachers and school management, and long-lasting partnership for effective sustainability of the school.
Therefore, following the successful implementation of the Industrial Bodies in the three supported schools; two of the schools organized an inauguration ceremony. The inauguration of the Industrial Bodies was organized and held within the premises of Adem Gllavica and Feriz Guri dhe Vëllezërit Çaka schools in the municipalities of Lipjan and Kaçanik respectively, to celebrate this important achievement for schools and businesses. Part of these events were representatives from the business community, respective municipality officials, school partners, and project representatives.
Improving VET schools’ performance in line with labour market demand requires big strategic moves. And every big move starts with a first step. The inaugural events were a first step in the long road to making the Business Model a reality.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
KOSOVO - The National Plan for the development and implementation of the Kosovo Graduate Tracking System
Bringing international and local stakeholders together to brainstorm is helpful to see things from different vantage points. On February 23rd, 2021, the Project ESVET PRO- KSV/801 organized a hybrid (in-person and online) workshop for the review of the methodology for the graduate tracking system. This workshop stimulated real-time thoughts, ongoing ideas, and discussions with the international and local stakeholders present.
The graduate tracking system will provide the VET stakeholders, schools, and Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) with evidence on the graduates’ employability data and skill relevance to the labour market needs.
Based on the latest decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo against the Covid-19 pandemic; the Project, was allowed to host at most 30 participants and all the guidelines on the measures to keep everyone safe during the workshop have been strictly applied.
The workshop brought together important VET stakeholders from the Ministry of Education and Science (MES), Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo (EARK), Municipal Education Directorate, donor-funded project, and NGOs. Other representatives who could not join the event in-person from European Training Foundation (ETF), and Ministry of Education and Science of North Macedonia participated via Zoom platform.
In the first part of the workshop, the Project presented the draft methodology about the establishment and implementation of the Graduate Tracking System and the support that the Project will provide in this matter.
The Chief Technical Advisor of the Project presenting the draft methodology about the establishment and implementation of the Graduate Tracking System.In the second part, based on experience and practical examples, VET stakeholders engaged in in-depth discussions about establishing a sustainable and rigorous methodology for Tracer Study which will serve in the long-term in the VET sector in Kosovo. At the end, an expert from ETF gave a very positive note about the draft methodology as well as confirmed the willingness of ETF to cooperate with the Project towards this direction.
Stakeholders discussing about each of the components of the draft methodology of the Graduate Tracking System.This workshop was very fruitful and an important step towards the creation of a graduate tracking system, which can be a very valuable tool that contributes to the labour market information system, particularly when certain criteria are followed. Graduate tracking system for VET sector are implemented in many countries in the world and in the region; therefore, having such system implemented in Kosovo is a crucial step to be closer to European Union standards.
Reviewing the national plan for the implementation of the Graduate Tracking System is not only important and a great achievement of ESVET PRO and the MES but also a great example of synergy and cooperation between all stakeholders involved in the VET sector.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
Event on Project Inception Report Presentation
On January 26th, 2021, the Project European Union Support to Vocational Education and Training (VET), Professional Requalification and Occupation (ESVET PRO) organized an event on the presentation of its Inception Report. ESVET PRO is a three year fully funded Project by the European Union and implemented by the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
The Project aims to support the most critical components of VET reform, focusing in improving the structure and performance of the VET offer in Kosovo and contributing to the development of a quality-based, inclusive education, in line with the best international practices.
The event was held in a virtual setting and attracted a large audience with almost 170 participants from national institutions, civil society, private sector, and donor-funded projects joining in from their work and home. The event was moderated by the CTA of the Project, Daniele Cristian Passalacqua who presented the progresses of the Project during its Inception Phase and shared with important stakeholders the forthcoming activities.
In addition, the Inception Report Presentation Event included speeches and testimonials from eminent public figures. Herewith, the event was opened by Agim Bërdyna – Secretary General of Ministry of Education and Science (MES), Luigi Brusa – Head of Cooperation of European Union in Kosovo, and Paolo Cervino – LuxDev Resident Representative.
The testimonials of representatives of the private sector, civil society and VET schools enriched the event with enthusiastic speeches showcasing the most evident achievements of the already implemented good practices of LuxDev. These testimonials depicted a sense of commitment and trust towards the Project with many stakeholders expressing their gratefulness and eagerness to work closely with ESVET PRO.
Despite being held online, the level of connectiveness with the audience remained high and this was done using polls during the event. The polls served to keep the event interactive and to collect expressions of interest from the participants on the various components of ESVET PRO.
Finally, the virtual event was concluded by Stergios Tragoudas- Programme Manager-EU Policies-Education. He praised the commitment of the stakeholders and partners and is looking forward to witnessing the opportunities this Project will provide not only at an institutional level but also to individual VET students.
Altogether, the presentation of the Inception Report resulted in a dynamic event that registered enthusiasm and positive feedback from the participants. The event gave a feeling of hope and optimism to all its participants and demonstrated the many opportunities which can be grasped in the VET sector.
KOSOVO - The inception phase of Project KSV/801-ESVRT PRO wrapped up
The inception phase of Project KSV/801 – ESVET PRO “EU Support to Vocational Education and Training (VET), Professional Requalification and Occupation” has been completed. The Project aims to improve the structure and performance of the VET system and VET delivery in Kosovo.
During this challenging time, ESVET PRO tried to overcome barriers presented by the pandemic and the political instability of the country, thus trying to avoid unavoidable delays to the implementation of its activities. The Project managed to establish the Project Management Unit (PMU), select the three beneficiary VET schools, and engage in cooperation’s with other EU funded projects focusing on capacity development and training of VET stakeholders.
Furthermore, it managed to formalize other partnership agreements as well as create synergies with the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Project "Support to Vocational Education and Training (VET) Reform in Kosovo" (KSV/020), taking part in the development of Training Need Analysis (TNA). Lastly, in terms of research and methodology development, ESVET PRO managed to achieve promising results in two components: The National Graduate Tracking System and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Altogether, the advancements in the initiation of the Project depict a sense of commitment and enthusiasm that have surpassed the barriers presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LuxDev and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.