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FIT! Senegal Initiative / Vocational training and employment – Horizon Youth Olympic Games 2026


LuxDev's country office
Senegal Office

Education, vocationnal training and employment
2024 - 2030

Implementation period
October 2023 - September 2027
Total duration
48 months

Total budget
22,311,600 EUR
Contribution breakdown
  • Luxembourg Government
    4,300,000 EUR
  • UE
    15,500,000 EUR
  • Pays-Bas
    2,000,000 EUR
  • Suisse
    511,600 EUR

Project sheets

The FIT ! Senegal Initiative: Supporting the employment of young people as part of the Dakar 2026 YOG

More than 300,000 young Senegalese enter the job market every year, in a country where a very high rate of young women and men are neither in employment nor in education or training (33.1% NEET among 15–34-year-olds).

In 2026, Senegal will host the Dakar 2026 Youth Olympic Games (YOG), a first for the African continent. The Games will offer substantial economic opportunities for young people before, during and after the event.

To contribute to the legacy of the Dakar 2026 YOG, under the impetus of the Dakar 2026 Organising Committee (COJOJ) and the Senegalese Ministry of Vocational Training, Apprenticeship and Integration (MFPAI), the FIT! initiative aims to improve decent employment for young people in Senegal in all their diversity.

As part of a "Team Europe" approach involving the European Union and several of its member states, the FIT! initiative addresses the different steps in the pathway to employment for young people: orientation, training, professional integration, employment and self-employment.

LuxDev is the coordinator of this joint Team Europe initiative and is working with the operational partners to:

  • create new career opportunities for young people, particularly YOG volunteers ;
  • create and strengthen training programs in YOG-related professions ;
  • strengthen dual training ;
  • contribute to the enhancement of the image of vocational and technical training through the organization of the Olympics for Professions, Sport and Culture ;
  • build sports facilities in schools using worksite – school ;
  • integrate a "Sport for Development" approach and roll out an olympic, civic and sports certificate in schools.

In order to enable young people from across Senegal to benefit from the opportunities for professional integration offered by the Dakar 2026 YOG, the initiative will be deployed nationwide.

The initiative will address issues relating to gender, inclusion of people with disabilities and sustainable development, with a focus on "green jobs" and opportunities arising from the digital sector.

Young people are involved in the initiative, not only as direct beneficiaries of the activities but also as stakeholders in the reflection and implementation. This commitment on the part of the initiative's partners is embodied in the trial application of the Youth Friendly Standards.

Investing in young people and contributing to create jobs are the main objectives of this initiative.

The FIT! Senegal Initiative is driven by Senegal's Ministry of Vocational Training, Apprenticeship and Integration, the Dakar 2026 Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee and the European Union. The Initiative is co-financed by the European Union, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland as part of the Team Europe approach. Agence Française de Développement (AFD), AICS (the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation), GIZ (the German Agency for International Cooperation) and LuxDev (Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency) are working together to promote the employability of young people.

Latest news

  • SÉNÉGAL - FIT ! Sénégal et l'Ambassade visitent les établissements de formation du Sud

    Published on 14 May 2024    By Marie-Louise STEBERL   FR

    Du 25 au 30 avril 2024, les centres de formation professionnelle de Thionck Essyl, Sédhiou et Bounkiling en zone Sud ont reçu la visite de l’équipe de l'Initiative FIT ! Sénégal en compagnie de M. Georges Ternes, Ambassadeur du Luxembourg et de Mme Tania MARTINS, Cheffe de Coopération.

    L’équipe a visité trois centres de formation professionnelle (CFP) qui sont accompagnés par l’Initiative. Une première étape a conduit la délégation sur le chantier de Bajankusoor, un nouveau centre de formation professionnelle situé dans la commune de Thionck Essyl (région de Ziguinchor) en cours de construction par la fondation espagnole FounDAWtion et qui sera offert au ministère de la Formation professionnelle. La construction est basée sur des principes écologiques, avec des matériaux et techniques de la région (construction en banco – terre compressée à la main) adaptés à des outils et des méthodes plus contemporains (construction en pisé). La construction du centre servira de chantier-école, en utilisant les apprentis de l’écoconstruction comme main d’œuvre. L'Initiative FIT ! Sénégal apportera sa pierre à l’édifice par un appui financier de 275 000 EUR (180,3 millions FCFA) à la construction de Bajankusoor et l’installation de panneaux solaires. Le centre d’une capacité d’accueil de 270 apprenants sera dédié aux métiers de l’artisanat. Des formations en électromécanique, menuiserie métallique et bois, maçonnerie, céramique, agroalimentaire et gestion d’entreprise y seront également offertes. Un accent particulier sera mis sur la durabilité en sensibilisant les élèves à la responsabilité sociale et environnementale.

    Chantier-école du CFP de Bajankussor

    Cap sur la région de Sédhiou pour deux étapes, la première au Centre de formation professionnelle en industrie (CFPI) de Sédhiou spécialisé dans les métiers de l’industrie, et la seconde au Centre sectoriel de formation professionnelle (CSFP) aux métiers de la foresterie de Bounkiling, tous deux construits en 2021 avec le soutien financier de l’Union européenne.

    Le CFPI de Sédhiou propose des formations en froid-climatisation, plomberie, électricité, et génie civil au profit de 160 apprenants, dont 40 filles. Dans le cadre de l’Initiative FIT ! Sénégal, le CFPI sera accompagné dans l’ouverture de nouvelles filières en installation et maintenance de panneaux solaires photovoltaïques et en installation et maintenance de systèmes irrigués solaires photovoltaïques. Une étude de benchmarking sera également conduite afin d’évaluer la pertinence de mettre en place des filières en biogaz et en énergie éolienne.

    Tout comme son jumeau le CFPI de Sédhiou, le CSFP de Bounkiling est une construction bioclimatique basée sur des matériaux locaux qui accueille 219 élèves, dont 127 filles. Le centre est spécialisé dans les métiers de la forêt et offre des formations en gestionnaire forestier, entrepreneur forestier, agent de transformation des produits forestiers non ligneux, éco-guide et restauration. Les formations initiales sont de type dual et se déroulent en alternance entre l’établissement et les entreprises partenaires. L’Initiative FIT ! Sénégal appuiera le CSFP au renforcement de la formation duale et à la diversification des formations particulièrement celles orientées vers les métiers verts. 

    CFPI de Sédhiou -  Filière électricité

    CSFP de Bounkiling - Pépinière de plants

    Enfin, et non des moindres, la dernière étape est la ferme école Ourokale de Jérôme Diandy à Ziguinchor.  

    Cette ferme modèle est l’une des cinq pépinières d’entreprises partenaires du projet européen d'accès équitable à la formation professionnelle mis en œuvre par LuxDev de 2016 à 2022. Elle s’est illustrée dans l’accompagnement de plus de 100 apprenants vers l’insertion professionnelle. 

    Aujourd’hui, le partenariat entre LuxDev et la ferme agricole Ourokale se poursuit puisqu’elle est l’une des 22 entreprises partenaires du CSFP de Bounkiling pour l’implémentation de la formation duale. 

    L’Initiative FIT ! Sénégal est impulsée par le ministère de la Formation professionnelle, de l’Apprentissage et de l'insertiondu Sénégal, le Comité d’Organisation des Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse Dakar 2026 et l’Union européenne. L’Initiative est cofinancée par l’Union européenne, l’Allemagne, la France, l’Italie, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas et la Suisse dans une approche Team Europe. L’Agence française de développement (AFD), l’AICS, Agence italienne pour la coopération au développement, la GIZ, l’agence allemande pour la coopération internationale et LuxDev, l’agence luxembourgeoise pour la Coopération au développement, travaillent conjointement en faveur de l’employabilité des jeunes.

  • International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

    Published on 5 April 2024    By Stéphanie NIKOLAIDIS   FR EN

    On 6 April is celebrated the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. As the United Nations says, “this Day presents an opportunity to recognise the positive role sport and physical activity play in communities and in people’s lives across the globe. Sport is, and continues to be, one of the most effective tools for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”. To mark the occasion, we would like to introduce you to the FIT! Senegal Initiative, implemented by LuxDev with the Team Europe.

    Senegal is without doubt a country where sporting culture is important. Many young people practise a sporting discipline every day, in the streets, on the beaches, but also in unusual places, such as pitches located in the centre of busy roads, due to the lack of local infrastructure dedicated to sport.

    Picture: Comité national olympique et sportif du Sénégal

    In 2026, Senegal will host the Youth Olympic Games (YOG), the first Olympic event ever organised in Africa. The International Olympic Committee shares the vision that "the Dakar 2026 YOG will be a catalyst for a sporting, social, cultural, educational and economic transformation that will create new hopes, new opportunities and confidence for young people".

    With this in mind, the FIT! Senegal Initiative aims to help young people find decent and sustainable jobs, as part of the legacy of the Dakar YOG.

    To help meet this challenge, LuxDev will be implementing an initiative aimed at integrating a "sport and development" approach into vocational and technical training establishments. The aim is to enable young people to develop their soft skills through sport, in order to strengthen their prospects for professional integration.

    To support this approach, LuxDev, in collaboration with the Organising Committee of the Dakar 2026 YOG, will be deploying the Olympic, civic and sports certificate in schools, in particular through the Olympic values education programme. This programme consists of educational resources created by the International Olympic Committee to enable communities to develop their personality through the acquisition of new skills. The aim is to contribute to a peaceful and better world, by educating young people through sport, without discrimination of any kind, in the Olympic spirit, which demands mutual understanding, a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.

    Picture: Comité national olympique et sportif du Sénégal

    Other sports-related initiatives are planned as part of the FIT! Senegal Initiative, such as the construction of sports facilities in schools using the "chantier école" approach and the organisation of a trades, sport and culture competition.

    The FIT! Senegal Initiative is driven by Senegal's Ministry of Vocational Training, Apprenticeship and Integration, the Dakar 2026 Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee and the European Union. The Initiative is co-financed by the European Union, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland as part of the Team Europe approach. Agence Française de Développement (AFD), AICS (the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation), GIZ (the German Agency for International Cooperation) and LuxDev (Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency) are working together to promote the employability of young people.