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Support programme for financial inclusion development (PADIF)


LuxDev's country office
Niger Office

Inclusive and innovative finance
2022 - 2024

Implementation period
October 2022 - December 2026
Total duration
50 months

Total budget
15,000,000 EUR
Contribution breakdown
  • Luxembourg Government
    11,500,000 EUR
  • ADA
    3,500,000 EUR

Project sheets

The fourth Indicative Cooperation Programme (ICP IV) between the Republic of Niger and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has two strategic and interdependent objectives: to contribute to the development of human capital and to strengthen inclusive governance in Niger.

ICP IV recognies financial inclusion as one of the main levers of socio-economic development and poverty reduction and aims to support the implementation of Niger's National Inclusive Finance Strategy (SNFI) and to promote the access of vulnerable populations to sources of finance in line with the Financial Inclusion Development Fund (FDIF) and the Food and Nutritional Security Investment Fund (FISAN) on the one hand, and the National Fund for the Support of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Industries (FONAP) on the other hand.

The NIG/032 programme is part of this approach and is in line with the orientations of national policies and strategies and the general strategy of the Luxembourg Cooperation.

Improving access to financial services for vulnerable populations, especially women and youth, is the overall objective of the programme and forms one of the five intervention axes of ICP IV. The specific objective of PADIF is to improve access to financial services for vulnerable populations and actors in the agricultural sector. PADIF will contribute to increasing their potential for professional integration and the creation of sustainable jobs.

In this context, the PADIF, which is implemented by ADA, a Luxembourg NGO, has developed three areas of intervention in order to contribute to the achievement of the expected results in favour of the financial inclusion of the population in a sustainable manner:

  • the environment is equipped with support mechanisms that favour the development of the inclusive finance sector; 
  • the microfinance sector is consolidated and made up of efficient decentralised financial systems; 
  • financial service providers have developed financing solutions for value chain actors.

To this end, ADA supports microfinance institutions identified jointly with LuxDev so that they can offer appropriate financial services to the beneficiaries of the NIG/028 - Employment and employability programme, particularly with a view to the self-employment of youth and women. As part of this support, ADA is also experimenting with new and innovative approaches to reduce the risks associated with financing.

The project is supervised by the Ministry of Finance, to which the Executive Secretariat of the National Inclusive Finance Strategy (SE-SNFI) is attached. With a budget of MEUR 15, PADIF consists of a technical assistance and capacity building component (MEUR 3.5) to be implemented by ADA and a fund allocation component (MEUR 11.5) to be implemented by LuxDev.

Latest news

  • NIGER - Lancement officiel du Programme indicatif de coopération IV

    Published on 3 February 2023    By Jeanne RENAULD   FR

    Ce vendredi 3 février 2023, à la salle de conférence de l’hôtel Noom à Niamey, s’est tenue la cérémonie officielle de lancement et de présentation des programmes du Programme indicatif de coopération (PIC) IV entre le Niger et le Luxembourg à Niamey. Cette cérémonie fait suite à la signature du PIC entre les deux pays en mai 2021, et à la formulation et signature des différents programmes du PIC en juillet 2022.

    D’une durée de quatre ans (2022-2026), le PIC IV vient en appui aux secteurs de l’éducation et de la formation, de l’emploi et de l’employabilité, de l’eau et de l’assainissement, de la gestion des finances publiques, de la finance inclusive ainsi que de la sécurité alimentaire, avec un financement total de 148,1 MEUR. 

    L’événement fut l’occasion de présenter la vision du changement du PIC IV et ses différents programmes mais également de fédérer les acteurs locaux, nationaux et internationaux qui contribuent à l’atteinte des objectifs que se sont fixés les deux gouvernements. 

    Présidée par le Secrétaire général du ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la coopération de la République du Niger, M. Ado Elhadji Abou, et le Directeur de la Coopération au développement et de l’Action humanitaire du ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes luxembourgeois, M. Christophe Schiltz, la cérémonie a réuni les partenaires et amis de la Coopération luxembourgeoise au Niger.

    Étaient notamment présents les représentants des ministères sectoriels partenaires et les principaux partenaires d’appui du PIC IV, à savoir LuxDev, l’ONG ADA, le PAM, le FNUAP, le CICR ainsi que la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise.