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Our Niger office


Contact us

(+227) 20 72 51 53
Bd Mali béro
Rue IB-67 Issa Beri
B.P. 13254 Niamey

LuxDev started its activities in Niger in 1989 in the framework of the technical implementation of bilateral Indicative Cooperation Programmes (ICP). LuxDev’s presence in the country has evolved in recent years with constantly growing portfolios taking it from a branch office, under the responsibility of the regional office in Burkina Faso, to an independent country office status since October 2017. With seven direct staff and the support of some 50 project and programme staff, the Niger office now oversees a portfolio of five active programmes worth EUR 102 million financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as part of the bilateral envelope of the new ICP IV 2022-2026. In addition to the bilateral mandates that make up the bulk of its portfolio, LuxDev in Niger is frequently called upon to manage delegated cooperation from other donors complementary to the programmes financed by Luxembourg. Two programmes funded by Denmark and the Netherlands in support of the water and sanitation sector are in the closing phase. Disbursements in 2021 amounted to EUR 32.89 million.

LuxDev's sectors of intervention and fields of activity in Niger are water and sanitation, education and vocational training, professional integration and employment, public finance, and inclusive finance in partnership with the Luxembourg NGO ADA. A programme to support food security is also being prepared. In addition, it should be noted that the cross-cutting themes of gender, environment and climate change are given particular attention in the implementation of all programmes. Finally, in a context of multifaceted crisis, the triple Nexus approach of humanitarian-development-peace is becoming increasingly important in the implementation of development programmes in Niger in order to provide a better response to the consequences of crisis situations and with a view to peacebuilding.

In terms of geographic coverage, the programmes implemented by LuxDev and financed under ICP IV are nationwide with a regional focus on Dosso, Zinder and Niamey for the employment/employability programme.

In line with the orientations given in the ICP IV, the interventions aim at a complete alignment with national strategies and policies and a real delegation of the implementation of the planned actions to national partners through the programme approach and the funding of financial mechanisms often multi-donor managed by the counterpart. The delegation of implementation is accompanied by a capacity building and technical assistance component for national partners at various levels (central, deconcentrated and decentralised) designed according to the change management approach.  

Our projects / programmes