This project is closed since 30.06.2016.
- Country
- Nicaragua
- Partner execution agency
- Institut nicaraguayen du Tourisme (INTUR)
- PIC 2
- 2007 - 2010
- Implementation period
- 26 July 2011 - 30 June 2016
- Total duration
- 59 months
- Total budget
- 7,789,000 EUR
- Contribution breakdown
- Luxembourg Government
6,136,000 EUR - Contribution locale
1,653,000 EUR
Vamos a continuar fortaleciendo estas alianzas en el sector turismo
Tenemos que apostar por (hoteles) 3, 4 y 5 estrellas
La Ruta del Café de Nicaragua by
Mid-term evaluation
Final evaluation

As part of the process of local economic development promoted by the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua and motivated by the good results of the preceeding years, this project constitutes the second phase of the Coffee Route regional tourism development program which is part of the Touristic Routes of Nicaragua national strategy implemented by the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute.
The project will continue along the same strategic guidelines as the first phase, with a view to improving the organisation of the sector, the training of actors and planning.
The objective of this second phase is to ensure a sustainable tourism development in the northern region of Nicaragua by taking into account environmental, sociocultural and economic aspects and by making the most of its tourism potential as Coffee Route.
A budget extension was granted late 2014 to support INTUR in updating the national sustainable tourism development plan, which is the basis for the development of the sector.
The project will be completed in the third quarter of 2015.
Since 2012 LuxDev also committed to the implementation of a delegated cooperation project on behalf of the European Union (NIC / 824) supporting the development of the "Colonial and Volcanoe Route". This project has a total budget of € 8,275,000 which are provided by the European Union and the Government of Nicaragua.
Latest news
Nicaragua - Inauguraciones de ITP
Videos publicados por INTUR sobre recientes inauguraciones de Infraestructuras turísticas públicas (ITP) en el marco del proyecto Ruta del Cafe - Fase II.