- Geographical area
- Europe
- Sector
- Education, vocationnal training and employment
- Implementation period
- 23 September 2017 - 31 December 2022
- Total duration
- 63 months
- Total budget
- 15,000,000 EUR
- Contribution breakdown
- Luxembourg Government
0 EUR - Commission européenne - Gestion autres agences (British Council, Enabel, GIZ)
14,066,639 EUR - Commission européenne - Gestion LuxDev
933,361 EUR
VET Toolbox - interventions techniques au Burkina Faso et au Mali 2021 (vidéo longue)
L'excellence en gestion pour les centres de formation professionnelle au Burkina Faso et au Mali
VET Toolbox - interventions techniques au Burkina Faso et au Mali 2021 (vidéo courte)
L'excellence en gestion pour les centres de formation professionnelle au Burkina Faso et au Mali.
A few words by VET Toolbox's implementing partners: the benefits of working as a consortium
Representatives of VET Toolbox's partner agencies reflect on their ongoing collaboration and on the partnership's achievements - Manuel Tonnar, Director General of LuxDev - Jean Van Wetter, Director of Enabel - Moses Anibaba, Regional Director of the British Council in Sub-Saharan Africa - Jérémie Pellet, CEO of Expertise France - Tobias Gerster, Director for the Division of Supraregional and the Horn of Africa, GIZ.
Project EUR/801 VET-Toolbox is a facility promoting inclusive demand driven VET & Skills Development, financed by the European Commission and co-financed by Germany and implemented by a consortium of four agencies: ENABEL, British Council, GIZ, LuxDev with AFD as a silent partner.
This facility will provide and deploy high level expertise, develop tools and instruments and other learning and support actions, based on support requests introduced by partner countries on themes such as VET policy and reform, labour market intelligence, private sector engagement in VET and inclusiveness. The VET Toolbox will also financially support local non state actor initiatives on inclusiveness, through a series of call for proposals.
In line with EU policy, notably the Agenda for Change, and the Sustainable Development Goal 4 ‘Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning’ and Goal 8 ‘Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all’, the Overall Objective of the VET Toolbox is: To improve the effectiveness of VET reforms so that they are more demand-driven and responsive to labour market needs and provide increased access to (self-) employment, including for disadvantaged groups.
This is being pursued by the projects Specific Objective: Providing partner countries with know-how, tools and advice in order to improve the labour market responsiveness of VET reforms, strategies and action plans, in particular the ones supported by the EU (EC and EU Member States), thereby also enabling the orientation towards the inclusion of disadvantaged groups and most vulnerable people.
As such the VET Toolbox is expected to be complementary to ongoing or planned investments in VET. The VET Toolbox shall deliver needs-based results, mainly in the form of tools and short to medium (intermittent) term advisory services, in the following components:
- Result 1: Tools and advice for VET system- and labour market analysis are provided to assist local stakeholders to improve evidence-based VET programming, and serve as basis for informed strategic decisions in response to demographics, economic development and labour market needs.
- Result 2: Tools and advice necessary to put in place sustainable mechanisms of consultation and active participation of the private sector in VET are developed and delivered.
- Result 3: Local stakeholders are capacitated in promoting inclusive VET training for the formal and informal sector.
- Result 4: Methodologies and approaches to support the integration of disadvantaged groups into VET learning and into the labour market are piloted.
Latest news
VET Toolbox launches its new website
VET Toolbox is thrilled to announce the launch of its new website, which you can visit at
VET Toolbox is an international facility co-funded by the European Union and the German Government (BMZ) and implemented by a consortium of five partner agencies: the British Council, Enabel, Expertise France, GIZ, and LuxDev. Together, they co-create innovative skills development solutions to foster decent employment.
In the spirit of the consortium and of Team Europe, the new VET Toolbox website aims at gathering the fruits of this innovative interagency collaboration into one place.
The website compiles the knowledge products produced by the implementing agencies in the framework of VET Toolbox, and users can find resources (such as tools, guides, reports, videos, etc.) developed by key international experts on Vocational Education and Training (VET). The website features an interactive world map listing the projects carried out in the framework of VET Toolbox. Through this map, users can easily navigate through the VET Toolbox projects, to get to know more about them and their impact.
On a regular basis, the website will highlight some of the best practices and lessons learned, as well as general news about the programme.
The new website is multilingual: it is available in English and French. We invite all visitors to explore it at
About VET Toolbox:
VET Toolbox aims to improve the effectiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems by making them more opportunity-driven, turning investments into drivers for inclusive economic growth, social development, and decent job creation. Its innovative partnership approach paved the way for future Team Europe Initiatives. Read more about VET Toolbox.
VET Toolbox Internal Learning and Debrief Workshop
On 22 and 23 November 2022, VET Toolbox organised an Internal Debrief and Learning Workshop in Brussels to close the first VET Toolbox programme, coming to an end on December 2022, and reflect on its five years of implementation.
Representatives from the five VET Toolbox partner agencies (the British Council, ExpertiseFrance/Groupe AFD, GIZ, LuxDev and Enabel), the European Commission, and VET experts from Sub Saharan African countries were invited to take an active participation role in the workshop.
The first part of the workshop was dedicated to reflecting on the concrete lessons from the implementation and performance of our services, with a focus on the three pillars of the programme: public-private partnership, Inclusion and labour market analysis.
The second part of the workshop focused on the VET Toolbox partnership approach and the lessons learned and added values of interagency collaboration. Discussants agreed that there is a real added value of working in a partnership and collaborating, collaboration, coordination and co-implementatio between agencies. They discussed the main strengths of the VET Toolbox consortium, the obstacles it faced, and how they were overcome.
Watch a video on the benefits of working in a consortium, by the VET Toolbox partners:
The workshop was closed with a hybrid meeting to share the main learnings and takeaways from VET Toolbox with a broader audience, including staff from the partner agencies and members of the Team Europe Initiative OP-VET working group.
© VET Toolbox
This content has been co-funded by the European Union and is the role responsibility of VET Toolbox. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Commission.
BURKINA FASO - Oser inventer l’avenir
LuxDev, l’agence luxembourgeoise pour la Coopération au développement a organisé un séminaire de formation sur l’excellence en gestion pour les centres de formation professionnelle du Burkina Faso et du Mali. L’atelier s’est déroulé du lundi 1er au vendredi 5 novembre 2021 à Ouagadougou. Cette initiative a regroupé 44 chefs de centres de formation professionnelle qui viennent du secteur public et privé ainsi que deux chefs de centres publics venus du Mali.
Clôture du premier séminaire du programme VET Toolbox à Ouagadougou. © Sébastien LAMBALOTLe programme européen VET Toolbox (Boîte à outils pour la formation professionnelle), intervenu pour la première fois au Burkina Faso à cette occasion, vise à promouvoir l’enseignement et la formation professionnels inclusifs et adaptés aux besoins du marché du travail. C’est un programme co-financé par l’Union européenne et le ministère fédéral allemand de la Coopération économique et du Développement et mis en oeuvre par des partenaires tels l’AFD, Enabel, British Council, GIZ et LuxDev. Ces cinq jours (pour un programme progressif et séquencé de 10 jours qui se poursuivra la semaine du 13 décembre) positionnent successivement les valeurs, les missions et les objectifs fondamentaux de chaque centre de formation dans son domaine d’intervention et son territoire.
Selon l’Assistant technique international en charge des projets de formation professionnelle, Alexis Bordet, co-animateur du séminaire, le VET Toolbox offre une panoplie d’outils et processus d’expertise, de partage de bonnes pratiques et de renforcement de l’habilité managériale au profit des ressources humaines. Les rencontres, témoignages, ateliers interactifs et cas pratiques rythmant le séminaire ont permis d’instaurer un cadre participatif, agréable et bienveillant.
De plus, les participants ont su exprimer leurs attentes et identifier leurs marges de progression, notamment au niveau de la pertinence dans le choix de la durée et du lieu des formations dispensées, du marketing et de la communication ou des règles de travail des centres. Un point fondamental du séminaire revenait régulièrement : le leadership ou comment améliorer le quotidien de l’employeur et de ses employés par des indicateurs fiables et un comportement exemplaire du chef de centre dicté par l’honnêteté, l’humanité, l’humilité, et la ponctualité.
A la fin du premier séminaire, les chefs de centres étaient tous très motivés pour développer des solutions durables et quantifiables pour leur écosystème et au sein de leur centre de formation. Le mot d’ordre de l’animateur principal Filipe Cassapo, « Oser inventer l’avenir », aura fait écho à tous les participants repartis avec de bonnes intentions, et favorisera plus que jamais le développement de la formation professionnelle au Burkina Faso et au Mali.
Participants et intervenants rassemblés à l'occasion de la clôture du premier séminaire du programme VET Toolbox à Ouagadougou. © ManivelleDurant le séminaire, l’Union européenne a été représentée par Francisco Bellafont Alvaro, responsable du programme de formation professionnelle et de l'emploi. Pour ce dernier, l’analyse du contexte des sous-secteurs de la formation professionnelle initiale et de l’emploi au Burkina Faso montre encore une trop forte inadaptation entre le système éducatif et le marché de l’emploi productif formel et informel.
L'atelier de formation sur l’excellence en gestion au bénéfice des centres de formation professionnelle du Burkina Faso et du Mali a été organisé avec l’appui financier du programme européen VET Toolbox.