- Country
- Cabo Verde
- LuxDev's country office
- Cabo Verde Office
- Sector
- Water and sanitation
- PIC 5
- 2021 - 2025
- Implementation period
- 14 February 2022 - 31 December 2025
- Total duration
- 47 months
- Total budget
- 17,808,000 EUR
- Contribution breakdown
- Luxembourg Government
17,358,000 EUR - Contrepartie nationale
450,000 EUR
Project sheets
The water and sanitation sector support programme is funded under the Indicative Cooperation Programme “Development-Climate-Energy”, conceived as Luxembourg's response to support the socio-economic and environmental development policies and strategies of Cabo Verde during the period 2021-2025.
The programme CVE/389 is a continuation of Luxembourg's previous interventions in Cabo Verde. It aims to contribute to ensuring universal access to safe drinking water of adequate quality and quantity, at an affordable price, as well as to ensure quality sanitation services, in Cabo Verde, particularly by the most vulnerable families.
Aligned with the strategic plan for the water and sanitation sector, in line with the sustainable development goal 6, which aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, based on the principle of the human right to water and sanitation enshrined by the United Nations. The programme foresees a national coverage and to contribute to this major change by developing actions to increase the sustainability of water supply and wastewater services in economic, social and environmental dimensions. It also aims to ensure that its interventions are comprehensive and provide more equity among the islands, while strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion through the country.
In particular, it will participate in:
- increasing water availability (quantity, quality, pressure);
- reducing the cost of water; and
- ensuring sustainable access to sanitation services.
Luxembourg's cooperation will continue to build the capacities of the country's water and sanitation sector institutions, whether through training or by supporting institutional, organisational and regulatory modernisation.
The final beneficiaries are the entire Cape Verdean population and society, including businesses and other organisations, who will benefit from sustainable quality water and sanitation services.
Contribution from the Government of Luxembourg: 9 000 000 EUR (7 000 000 EUR made available by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Development Cooperation Fund and 2 000 000 EUR by the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development through the Climate and Energy Fund).
Latest news
CABO VERDE - Strategic revisions in the water and sanitation sector
On the 21st January 2025, a workshop held in Praia brought together key stakeholders to discuss strategic updates to foundational documents of Cabo Verde's water and sanitation sector. This event, supported by the Luxembourg Cooperation through the Water and sanitation programme under the Indicative Cooperation Programme Development - Climate - Energy (021-2025), aimed to align sectoral priorities with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in particular SDG 6 "Clean water and sanitation for all," while addressing current social and environmental challenges.
Nearly 40 participants from the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment and key stakeholders in Cabo Verde’s water, sanitation, environment, and agriculture sectors took part in the workshop to discuss the following documents:
- PLENAS, the National Strategic Plan for Water and Sanitation ;
- ESGAS, the Social and Gender Strategy for Water and Sanitation ;
- AASEN, the National Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment.
The primary objective of the workshop was to present the preliminary versions of these strategic documents while fostering constructive dialogue with stakeholders. Experts outlined key strategic areas, including priority objectives, operational measures, and governance tools tailored to Cabo Verde's current context. Under the leadership of the National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANAS), the consulting firm S317 guided this initiative, which resulted in a critical evaluation of existing tools and their implementation so far. Specifically, the firm's technical assistance work focused on:
- updating and aligning the proposals of PLENAS and ESGAS with national priorities and SDG objectives;
- integrating a participatory and inclusive approach in the revision process by involving key sector stakeholders;
- ensuring the proposed measures are technically and financially feasible;
- strengthening AASEN as a planning and impact reduction tool.
The exchanges allowed the collection of valuable input to refine the proposals, while ensuring alignment with national priorities and international best practices. Contributions from participants, both in person and online, will enhance the quality of the final documents, which are intended to guide these public policies until 2030.
The Water and sanitation sector support programme is financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.
CABO VERDE - Lancement de l’appui aux nouveaux opérateurs d’eau sur les îles de Santo Antão et de São Nicolau
Depuis une dizaine d’années, le Cabo Verde a amorcé une réforme importante du secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement. Au niveau central, la réforme du cadre institutionnel s’est matérialisée par la restructuration des agences de régulation : la régulation technique est assurée par l’Agence nationale de l’eau et de l’assainissement et la régulation économique par l’Agence de régulation multisectorielle de l’économie. Ces agences ont notamment pour mission de favoriser la création d’opérateurs publics intercommunaux sur chacune des îles de l’archipel.
Ce modèle s’est largement inspiré de l’entreprise publique intermunicipale, Águabrava, pionnière du genre sur les îles de Fogo et de Brava. Águabrava a notamment bénéficié d’un appui important de la Coopération luxembourgeoise pendant plus de 10 ans, lui permettant d’améliorer son efficacité opérationnelle et commerciale.
Mutualiser les moyens sur chaque île
Dans un pays où la ressource en eau se raréfie et où le recours à des procédés techniques énergivores (désalinisation d’eau de mer) devient obligatoire, il est primordial d’assurer une gestion professionnelle de la distribution de l’eau et de rationaliser les coûts en mutualisant les moyens à l’échelle de chaque île.
Visite de l'unité de désalinisation - Ribeira Brava - São Nicolau
Ainsi, de nouveaux opérateurs intermunicipaux ont vu le jour sur les îles de Santiago et de Maio. L’ancien modèle de gestion, effectuée par les services municipaux, n’est désormais présent que sur les îles de San Nicolau et de Santo Antão, et ce, a priori, pour peu de temps.
En effet, avec l’appui du programme « eau et assainissement », les entreprises intermunicipales Águas de São Nicolau et Águas de Santo Antão vont voir le jour et compléter ainsi la transition du secteur.
Visite du futur siège de l'entreprise Águas de Santo Antão
Lancement de l'assistance technique du programme
La semaine du 21 au 25 août 2023 a été marquée par le lancement effectif de l’assistance technique pour la mise en route de ces nouveaux opérateurs. Une équipe pluridisciplinaire appuiera ces deux structures durant les prochains 18 mois. Il s’agit, entre autres, de contribuer à la mise en place des outils de gestion, à la formation du personnel et au diagnostic des installations.
Le résultat de cette assistance technique permettra au programme d’intervenir dès 2024 pour optimiser les infrastructures, garantissant de meilleures conditions de fonctionnement de ces opérateurs et, à terme, un meilleur service à la population.
Le programme CVE/389 - Programme d'appui au secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement est financé par le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et le Cabo Verde, et mis en oeuvre par LuxDev, l'agence luxembourgeoise pour la Coopération au développement.
World Water Day
Today is the World Water Day. Focus on Cabo Verde!
An isolated archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, Cabo Verde has always had to deal with very limited water resources. With no surface water (river or lake), the country is also seeing its underground resources diminish due to insufficient rainfall. This phenomenon is aggravated by climate change, and Cabo Verde must constantly increase its production of drinking water by desalinating sea water.
This technology, which is very energy-intensive, leads to increased costs for the public operators, which cannot be passed on to water tariffs that are already higher than in Europe. Funded by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Cabo Verde, and implemented by LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency, the CVE/389 - Water and sanitation sector support programme supports operators in the construction of innovative infrastructures.
The island of Brava will soon be equipped with the country's first 100% solar seawater desalination unit. Three hundred cubic metres of drinking water will be produced every day without using fossil fuels. This will guarantee access to water for the island's population, but also the sustainability of Aguabrava, the programme partner in charge of this new infrastructure.