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Support to the Fourth National Household Income and Expenditure Survey in Cabo Verde


Cabo Verde
LuxDev's country office
Cabo Verde Office

Partner execution agency
Institut national des statistiques du Cabo Verde (INE)
2021 - 2025

Implementation period
December 2022 - November 2025
Total duration
36 months

Total budget
450,000 EUR
Contribution breakdown
  • Luxembourg Government
    450,000 EUR

The National Institute of Statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas - INE) of Cabo Verde is preparing the implementation of the Fourth National Survey on Household Income and Expenditure (IV Inquérito sobre às Despesas e Receitas das Famílias - IV IDRF).

The main objective of this survey is to assess and measure the poverty profile in the country (extreme poverty and absolute poverty) with the following specific objectives:

  • to update data on the level and structure of consumption of Cape Verdean families;
  • to update the poverty indicators;
  • to update the basic weights of the consumer price index;
  • to estimate the consumption expenditure of individuals, in order to determine the main component of private consumption that enters the system of national accounts;
  • to calculate and provide the data needed to monitor and evaluate the progress of national indicators, including those contained in the government's strategic plan for sustainable development;
  • to calculate the values of indicators needed to assess and monitor the targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals and Africa's Agenda 2063.

The updated data collected will be used to improve poverty reduction policies, such as social protection. The survey will also provide important data for the monitoring of the Indicative Cooperation Programme 2021-2025 of the Luxembourg Cooperation, in particular the percentage of household expenditure dedicated to the purchase of electricity and water, key indicators of the "Energy Transition" and "Water and Sanitation" programmes, which aim, among other things, to contribute to offering affordable prices for electricity and water to consumers.

Data collection will take place throughout 2023 and the results will be published in mid-2024.

The survey will be co-financed by the government of Cabo Verde in collaboration with the World Bank, which will also provide technical support throughout the process, the United Nations and the Luxembourg Cooperation. The Luxembourg support will be fully entrusted to and implemented by INE through the signature of an agreement between LuxDev and INE.