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Support to the National Employment and Vocational Training Programme


This project is closed since 31.03.2016.

Cabo Verde
LuxDev's country office
Cabo Verde Office

Partner execution agency
Institut de l’Emploi et de la Formation professionnelle
2006 - 2010

Implementation period
December 2007 - March 2016
Total duration
99 months

Total budget
19,293,316 EUR
Contribution breakdown
  • Luxembourg Government
    17,969,716 EUR
  • Contribution locale
    1,323,600 EUR

Mid-term evaluation

Final evaluation

By implementing the project Support to the National Employment and Vocational Training Programme, the Agency intends to respond to one of the priorities of the second Indicative Cooperation Programme signed between Cabo Verde and Luxembourg, namely "strengthening human resources through education, training and any measures facilitating access to jobs ".

In this sense, the project looks at improving Cabo Verde's access to education in order to promote economic and social development.

With regards to infrastructure, the project built the vocational training centres in Praia and Sal as well as the Renewable Energies and Industrial Maintenance Centre. The project also allowed the relocation of the Employment and Vocational Training Institute HQ as well as the rehabilitation of the Vocational Training Centre of Sao Jorginho. In addition it  provided additional  equipment to the various exisiting technical and vocational teaching facilities.

Moreover, the project supported capacity building to enhance the needed skills for the day to day management of the institutions and the drafting of new curricula for new courses.

Finally all concerned parties promoted labour market integration by introducing new tools within the Employment and Vocational Training Institute.