This project is closed since 31.12.2018.
- Country
- Laos
- LuxDev's Regional office
- Asia Office
- Partner execution agency
- Department for international Cooperation, MPI
- PIC 3
- 2011 - 2015
- Implementation period
- 22 January 2014 - 31 December 2018
- Total duration
- 59 months
- Total budget
- 860,000 EUR
- Contribution breakdown
- Luxembourg Government
860,000 EUR
Mid-term evaluation
Final evaluation

The project is set in the framework of the capacity strengthening and governance priorities defined in the 2011-2015 Indicative Cooperation Programme (ICP) between Laos and Luxembourg. It is an answer to a special request submitted by the Lao government to its Luxembourg counterpart.
The project is dedicated to the capacity strengthening of institutions in charge of Official Development Assistance (ODA) management. Currently, a very small part of the work carried out by the Department for International Cooperation (DIC) at the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) is based on established (written) procedures, models and tools, be it in the administrative field, or in the technical field of ODA management and coordination. Moreover, substantive work such as the preparation of Round Table Meetings and the production of reports is mostly carried out by or with the support of external consultants provided by external projects. This leads to a low appropriation and sustainability of results and is limited in terms of building in-house expertise, knowledge and skills. It leaves the organisation with insufficient capacities to actually lead ODA management and coordination processes.
The project’s overall objective is to contribute to the improvement of development co-operation effectiveness in Lao PDR. Its specific objective is to strengthen the DIC’s capacity to manage aid effectively, build partnerships and establish effective working practices with national and international stakeholders.
Latest news
LAOS - Department of International Cooperation receives internal quality audit skills
On 09-10 July 2018, LAO/028 project provided an internal auditor workshop. The workshop was designed to train the internal auditor, to establish an audit check sheet, to construct audit questions, to use the process audit approach and to learn how to write audit reports on ISO 9001:2015 requirements. Auditors will require preparing value added audit questions, ensuring audits finding and preventing recurrence of similar non-conformance, and plan and managing internal audits as part of a continuous improvement program for ISO 9001 quality management systems.
The workshop is part of an ongoing development effort under the Capacity Strengthening of the MPI’s Department of International Cooperation LAO/028 Project Lao-Luxembourg Development Cooperation.
Laos - New premises for the Department of International Cooperation
Via the support from Project LAO/028, Capacity strengthening of the Department of International Cooperation (DIC) of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the premises of the Department of International Cooperation in Vientiane were renovated and upgraded during March and August 2017. The event was a milestone in the support to the DIC as the staff now benefits from up to date equipment as well as freshly renovated offices to cater to a more satisfying and ulitmately more productive working environment.
The inauguration was held on Friday 8th September in the presence of the Vice Minister of Planning and Investment, Dr Kikeo Chanthaboury, the Chargé d'Affaires of the Luxembourg Embassy in Vientiane, Mr Claude Jentgen, the Regional Representative of LuxDev, Mr Olivier Hecquet as well as the staff from Department of International Cooperation as well as Project LAO/028.