object(stdClass)#22 (14) {
string(18) "MLI/801 • 13 655"
string(96) "Travaux de réhabilitation d’urgence de bâtiments administratifs dans le cercle de Tombouctou"
string(3) "MLI"
string(4) "Mali"
string(4) "post"
string(4) "WORK"
string(0) ""
string(2) "97"
string(10) "2014-01-16"
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string(1515) "[{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot1","name":"","date":null,"amount":"","cancel":true},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot10 (Contrat B)","name":"Entreprise Tombouctou Construction (B\u00e2timent 10)","date":"2014-01-16","amount":"3811.22","cancel":false},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot11 ","name":"","date":"2014-01-16","amount":"","cancel":true},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot12","name":"","date":"2014-01-16","amount":"","cancel":true},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot2","name":"","date":null,"amount":"","cancel":true},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot3 (Contrat A)","name":"Alfarouck Construction (B\u00e2timent 3)","date":"2014-01-16","amount":"27592.29","cancel":false},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot4 (Contrat A)","name":"Alfarouck Construction (B\u00e2timent 4)","date":"2014-01-16","amount":"5374.59","cancel":false},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot5 (Contrat A)","name":"Alfarouck Construction (B\u00e2timent 5)","date":"2014-01-16","amount":"2748.42","cancel":false},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot6 (Contrat A)","name":"Alfarouck Construction (B\u00e2timent 6)","date":"2014-01-16","amount":"2923.05","cancel":false},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot7","name":"","date":"2014-01-16","amount":"","cancel":true},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot8","name":"","date":"2014-01-16","amount":"","cancel":true},{"code":"MLI\/801 \u2022 13 655 Lot9 (Contrat B)","name":"Entreprise Tombouctou Construction (B\u00e2timent 9)","date":"2014-01-16","amount":"9204.81","cancel":false}]"
string(9) "LD-SIMPLE"
MLI/801 • 13 655 Travaux de réhabilitation d’urgence de bâtiments administratifs dans le cercle de Tombouctou
Under preparation
Invitation to tender
Tender evaluation
Tender partially awarded
- Type of contract
- Works
- Country of performance
- Budget
Award date
- Procurement procedure
- Simplified Restricted
- For more information
See notice of Invitation to tender
(For any question regarding this tender, please contact the person indicated in the downloadable Notice) -
Lot |
Contractor's name |
Awarding date |
Amount |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot1 | Cancelled |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot10 (Contrat B) | Entreprise Tombouctou Construction (Bâtiment 10) | 16.01.2014 | 3,811 EUR |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot11 | Cancelled |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot12 | Cancelled |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot2 | Cancelled |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot3 (Contrat A) | Alfarouck Construction (Bâtiment 3) | 16.01.2014 | 27,592 EUR |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot4 (Contrat A) | Alfarouck Construction (Bâtiment 4) | 16.01.2014 | 5,375 EUR |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot5 (Contrat A) | Alfarouck Construction (Bâtiment 5) | 16.01.2014 | 2,748 EUR |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot6 (Contrat A) | Alfarouck Construction (Bâtiment 6) | 16.01.2014 | 2,923 EUR |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot7 | Cancelled |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot8 | Cancelled |
MLI/801 • 13 655 Lot9 (Contrat B) | Entreprise Tombouctou Construction (Bâtiment 9) | 16.01.2014 | 9,205 EUR |